FS protection 17.3

martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

On my Android 6 device I have FS protection 17.3.

This morning it notified me that it has been updated.

On the lw things in fmilock screen "Your device is protected" message keeps flashing.

When I try to open it I get the message Unfortunately F-Secure has stopped. Report / OK.


If I click report I do nto see any results except that the same notification reappears. Did it get reported if F-S Protectio nis not working?


Is that as designed?

How do I get rid of those two things?


Apparently reboot got rid of the Your device is protectd message and the other message about new things in Family rules.


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    OK, thanks Ukko. I mark this as solved. That happened on the outskirts of the reception area and only once.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser

    @martink wrote:

    OK, thanks Ukko. I mark this as solved. That happened on the outskirts of the reception area and only once.



    Maybe you should not. For example,


    -> there are no answers to your ask; it was only my own feedback (and experience with such trouble);

    -> with my experience: trouble is not sorted. I reinstalled it multiple times (later) with tries like "from first as kids profile" or "from first as main profile" -> and always there are 'background'-based (invisible?!) crashes or visible ones. But I did not report under beta-portal (maybe needed).


    Recent experience was about try with "from first as kids profile";

    Result was 'invisible' crashes (only sound of potential crash; but not visible ability to close/restart or report). Much trouble was with trying to check photos (Photo application by Google?) -> when I open it and try to open/look any photo or switch them -> on-going sound of crash (as it was with visible crash screen).



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser



    Just like updates about my experience (after some days and tries with reinstallation):


    ->> Crashes maybe stopped;

    But first launch after restart device with troubles for launch FS Protection; For example, only after launch "Safe Browser" -> FS Protection is launched. BUT:

    ->> When I do use "product improvement data"-checkbox with "ON"-state: ability to report crash situation is visible. Recent experience was about crash at start device with further noted trouble with autolaunch FS Protection.



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 577 Superuser
    update without a glitch, smoth operation
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