F Secure turns off

Sounds as something prevent proper work of F-Secure (as another software); Or/and F-Secure with some crashes for their processes.
But does your experience about stable F-Secure solution? Or about beta/technology-preview FS Protection?
And does you mean by "turns off" that tray-picture start be not visible too?
@billkilv wrote:Hi
It is completely turned off and won't start from clicking the Icon.
Banking protection does not start when I go the that website as it normally does either
I able to think that possible to perform steps like:
--> Do create fsdiag:
Then transfer it to F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):
If your experience about stable solution.
If your experience about FS Protection (technology preview/beta) -> to create report under beta.f-secure.com with description/fsdiag.
--> Re-check that any other security solutions is not installed (or potential other applications which able to break F-Secure);
And reinstall F-Secure (uninstall by Common steps; then maybe possible to use F-Secure Uninstallation Tool; then do clean installation).
Sounds as broken installation (or if important services/processes of F-Secure with troubles about launch). But good to know some more information (like system OS, does it happened after some date and so).