Safe and Savvy Blog




This is what it looks like on my PC!?! LOL!...


Not sure if its the Edge browser? or same for everyone? Needs to be looked into ;-)


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Just as feedback:

    With my experience -> Safe and Savvy Blog under Microsoft Edge (Windows 10 Creators Update) looks as under your screenshot. :)


    But all ok with Internet Explorer 11;


    Maybe such view should be also with Webkit browsers (as I can to suspect that recent updates for Microsoft Edge start be with more 'undercover'-mode);


    // later added:


    I not really friendly with such things, but if we re-edit some things - it possible to get 'normal' view.

    At least, troubleview under Microsoft Edge with using '-webkit-calc(87.5% + 0.27vw);' (for main div .class #page) from _static.css with next properties

    html {
      font-family: "FS Sans Web", sans-serif;
      font-size: -webkit-calc(0.875em + 0.27vw);
      font-size: -moz-calc(0.875em + 0.27vw);
      font-size: calc(0.875em + 0.27vw);
      font-size: -webkit-calc(87.5% + 0.27vw);

    and all OK (with my experience) if we switch to calc(0,875em + 0,27vw)-design;


    As example to:

    font-size:calc(0,875em + 0,27vw);


    But maybe such result just random; Good if there will be any developers with proper suggestions.

  • RMc-Canada
    RMc-Canada Posts: 33 Observer

    Excelent TYVM Laksh ;-)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    @Laksh wrote:

    Hi RMc-Canada,


    Thanks for passing on the feedback. This has been communicated to the Safe and Savvy blog team so that they can test it further.



    Sorry for ask.


    Does there any results from "the Safe and Savvy blog team"-investigation?


    such situation with Microsoft Edge does not based on -webkit-calc(%) handling by Edge?

    If yes - does there already known a reason?

    If not - does there delay because:

    -- it should be fixed by Wordpress? As providing fresh css-files.. or something like that.

    -- it should be fixed by Edge? Since they do not handle "-webkit-calc(%)" as it handled by Google Chrome with their webkit-engine?

    -- it should be fixed by someone who created "-calc"-design? If Edge handling it properly - but it not expected from calc?

    With my understanding:

    There can be expected that calc (certain-size as em/px) and calc (%) should be (or can be) with different result. Not sure - why Chrome (?) or another webkit-browsers do not handle it as Microsoft Edge;

    Or even more -> why there is two rules for webkit
    -webkit-calc(0.875em + 0.27vw); 
    -webkit-calc(87.5% + 0.27vw);

    Does it required by Chrome? Since not sure that this is required by Microsoft Edge (but if yes - why there is not right order to use it properly);

    Or even more - if for -webkit it required 'double rules' - why do support this experimental function?
    Or if there "in use" such not-standard and experimental functions like "calc" - why it not checked with all current default browsers?

    And - since such situation was there before this topic - does "the Safe and Savvy blog team" did not check it with Microsoft Edge (or with Windows 10)? Or there some other local settings for get troubleview?

    And does "delay" also means that no one use Safe and Savvy blog with Microsoft Edge (since it not useful to read page with current design and I able to think that kind of 'fix' can be briefly - if there such trouble to readers)? Does it based on statistics? Does it possible that Edge marked as Chrome under such statistics?



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my ask.


    Does there any information from F-Secure Safe and Savvy Blog team? OR any feedback on previous replies?


    It still not possible normal read/use Safe'n'Savvy blog with latest recent Windows 10 devices and Microsoft Edge browser;

    Probably this is also valid for Windows 8/8.1 devices with their Microsoft Edge;



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    - could you use zoom to get pictures larger on the screen
    - there are differences in browsers, as Ukko mentioned, HTML-code is standard
    - this is not so serious problem, I have seen worse

    My thoughts, arising from this case
  • Hi Ukko,


    Our Safe and Savvy team is working on the fix and this is on their to-do list.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    @Näsäviisas wrote:

    - could you use zoom to get pictures larger on the screen
    - there are differences in browsers, as Ukko mentioned, HTML-code is standard
    - this is not so serious problem, I have seen worse

    My thoughts, arising from this case



    Sorry for my reply, Näsäviisas.


    Just my feedback: --> there is certain trouble with Microsoft Edge only (based on Webkit and maybe trick for MacOS) and mainly zoom can not be an option. Because... "zoom" also work with broken-view under Safe and Savvy Blog and Microsoft Edge (while there is current trouble);

    And this topic mainly as "report about trouble" (notification/attention for F-Secure Safe'n'Savvy Team);


    I also able to think that this is not a critical trouble, but kind of "delay" with sort it (with meanings -> such situation was before this topic too) and generally -> situation looks as 'not cool at all';

    For example, Microsoft Edge is default (?!) browser for recent/latest Windows 10 (and available with Windows 8/8.1);

    I able to think that this is pretty good browser (even I do not use it as default browser under my Windows 10 system);


    So -> official position of F-Secure Safe'n'Savvy Blog that they do not support recent up-to-dated Windows 10 users with default browser. And 'kindly' promote to use third-party browsers, another systems or Internet Explorer (as example); All of this options can be good one... but just interesting why there is such delay. ?! no one Microsoft Edge users visit the Safe'n'Savvy Blog (based on F-Secure's statistics)?! But how it detected/counted? OR, for example, why during deploy the website it was not checked with Microsoft Edge (or before this); Since potential trouble (unconfirmed?!) reason is known for a while (not concerned F-Secure Safe'n'Savvy blog, but concerned such abilities of css/html);


    Sorry for my repeat words!



    @Laksh wrote:

    Hi Ukko,


    Our Safe and Savvy team is working on the fix and this is on their to-do list.



    Thanks for response and information!


    Just as my own feedback -> good if they later explain about "troublereason" for such situation (or confirm potential thoughts) and what was the main trouble to fix it (other ask-words maybe can be ignored); Just interesting - but not critical to know.


    Sorry for my reply.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    @Laksh wrote:

    Hi Ukko,


    Our Safe and Savvy team is working on the fix and this is on their to-do list.

    @Laksh, Hello... and sorry for strange ask (while other ask-words from previous replies can be still valid too):

    I feel strange feelings, but does "Safe and Savvy team" is working about it?


    My ask based on next "Safe'n'Savvy"-article and comments for it:


    I will quote small discussion:


    --> user do ask (October 7, 2017):

    Nicely written FAQ. Very useful. Odd that I had to Zoom to near 500% in order for it to appear at normal size in my Edge browser though.

    --> article/publication's creator (part of "Safe'n'Savvy" team?! as I able to expect) do response (October 9, 2017):


    Thanks for the feedback, and for bringing the Edge issue to our attention. We’ll look into it.


    So.. does F-Secure Safe and Savvy Blog team ... just.. "will" look into it... or as was noted previously (by you) under their todo-list already?



  • Hi Ukko,


    Indeed, this is on the to-do list for the Safe and Savvy blog team as I have already highlighted this to them. It might be the case that the person commented is the content creator and does not need to know the issues reported (may be a different team working on it).

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    Laksh wrote:

    Hi Ukko,


    Indeed, this is on the to-do list for the Safe and Savvy blog team as I have already highlighted this to them. It might be the case that the person commented is the content creator and does not need to know the issues reported (may be a different team working on it).

    Thanks for response and for clarification that your 'higlight' is finished with Safe and Savvy blog team (and they did not ignore you).


    And... good. Maybe it can be useful for Team with 'fresh' look it out too (I also did such comments for some articles too. But for being 'not published' as certain view for 'under moderation'-mode; just as 'feedback' /which I able to expect 'reviewed' as part of moderation before allowing comments/).


    Sadly that content creators also did not use Microsoft Edge (as developers did not use it). Maybe next article under "Safe and Savvy Blog" should be about proper security tips "Mac, Linux, other alternatives as replacing Windows" -> since it so respected by blog's teams. :)



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