VPN switch missing

Accepted Answer
Maybe your new computer is ARM-based. Can you tell the model of the device or the processor used in your computer?
For F-Secure TOTAL (at least) release of 19.7 - Windows on ARM64 Support is announced. As it says ""This version can now be installed on devices running the Windows on ARM64 operating system, providing expanded compatibility for ARM-based hardware.""
However, with current limitation of ""VPN is not yet supported on ARM64, but support will come in future versions.""
Which means, you would be able to install the F-Secure solution on "Windows on ARM64", but currently without a VPN module.
This would be an explanation if everything else is as you say - the same subscription, the same package (F-Secure TOTAL, for example). And similar situation, maybe, discussed there: Privacy VPN — F-Secure Community ;