Release 19.1 beta 3 (5.2.1057):
New features:
- Account menu has been updated. It now contains information about the license inside the menu and link to manage account. Main view no longer has the subscription validity.
- Subscription page has been updated. It now only contains a button to renew subscription (as manage account was moved to menu).
- Subscription expiring and expired smart tasks texts have been updated.
- Scheduled scanning waits for gaming mode to end before starting. If gaming mode activates during scheduled scan, it is paused and resumed once gaming mode ends.
- VPN usage and blocking statistics are now shown in VPN sub-view
- VPN notifications are shown (e.g. VPN is on, but UI application is closing; VPN is configured to connect automatically on startup and an user logs in; VPN connection fails due to an error)
- Show and hide functionality to Vault's notes field when viewing entry (KID-1566)
- Copying improvements to Vault entry viewer fields. (KID-1169)
- Smart tasks for new & existing user Vault onboarding. (KID-1558, KID-1559)
Fixed issues:
- Fixes to focus issues with VPN bypass window
- Fixed issue long localization not fitting in VPN tools button in VPN sub-view (SAFE_BUG-03863)
FS Protection PC 19.1 releases
Release 19.1 beta 5 (5.2.2285):
New features:
- Update delivery and signing system was updated
- Smart task asking for user to login was added (PBL-10785)
- If toast notifications are blocked, product now falls back to native dialog
- High contrast mode visibility fixes (PBL-9579)
- Password vault is now available for child profiles (PBL-11044)
- Multi-selection and batch deletion of Vault entries (KID-1513)
- Show Vault browser extension activated state in Autofill UI (KID-1469)
- Vault side menu items are now disabled instead of hidden when not usable (KID-1620)
- Select freshly created Vault entry in entry list. (KID-1621)
- Vault's new/changed Master Password minimum length requirement is now 12 characters. (KID-1628)
- Manual scan can be paused/resumed (PBL-10862)
Fixed issues:
- Main UI pops up with smart task while gaming (PBL-11009)
- Vault related smart tasks lifetime improved (KID-1655, KID-1697)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
My fs protection after installing Oneclient SAFE 5.2.2285 - re-downloaded all updates/modules with a re-named view as "WithSecure"-alias instead of previous "F-Secure". Is it okay? Just compatibility-global support between all solutions/companies?
// I see, there is another server for checking updates already. So, seems that it is expected thing.
Release 19.1 beta 6 (5.2.2538):
Fixed issues:
- Improved scheduling of update checks, update should now happen faster after resume from sleep
- In rare cases smart task does not open main UI (PBL-11115)
- Opening app from Password Manager browser extension was not always working (KID-1704)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
I'd just like to add a personal point of view, which is that the Tasks feels a little bit like I'm being nagged to do something. I get that it's hidden, but it's still there on the main interface.
Obviously, for testing purposes, I accept it as part of the product, but if I were a consumer, I'd be asking for a way to disable them completely. 😊
The point of tasks is that we want user to do something. Red tasks means that you are not protected. Yellow tasks means that you should do something important. Blue tasks are optional suggestions and they also do not force the UI to open. In your case, which tasks are bothering you?
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Thank you for the clarification. We indeed recently added onboarding tasks for Password Vault and VPN. Both of these are blue tasks, so they are there in the UI if you open it for any other reason, but they will not force the UI to open. For beta users they may seem a bit unnecessary - after all, you did not pay for these features. For paid users, if they paid and got these features, they are there to remind them to also use what they paid for.
You can always click on the task itself to get the bigger version of the task where there is option "Do not ask me again", which you can select and dismiss it for good.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products