New F-Secure blocking "good" websites

since the pop-up update for adding "Family Rules" happened on 10 July - which I declined - F-secure is blocking known good sites, such as shopping/retail sites and preventing others from loading correctly (looks like plain text) was one !! Merely accepting them although adding them to the "ok list" isnt working in real time.
This is happening on the two machines I have f-scure installed on.
Sorry for my ask.
---- Do you able to provide certain URL-example (which blocked)? And do you mean that websites are blocked as harmful-rated page?
Or pages blocked as "Restricted"-content with certain "category" (for example, your noted "shopping/retail sites"); And "" was this certain example?
With second meanings -> maybe you have to login under My F-Secure Account portal. And re-check if there indeed "Family Rules/Parental Control/ Content blocker" disabled and "not in use" with certain categories. At least, you able to "choose" your own circle and check there tab "Content Blocker" (or so); Maybe it "Turned ON" and with certain restricted categories;
Also this knowledgebase article can be useful with some meanings: (it about "set up", but "to disable" with related meanings);
---- Also - about "allow website" (and if it not work) - maybe good to investigate it by creating fsdiag:
When "allow website" (or button) do not work;
And contact Support then;
Or maybe there another meanings - does it always not "allowed" page?! With any of tries?
Sorry for my reply.
Hi - thanks for the response
OK some of the websites affected are -, simply be, la redoute and fashion world
They're "blocked" and instigate the pop-up window stating the reasoning behind the block - something about it being a retail site. (this is not something I had filtered prior to the "new version")
Adding these sites to the "permitted sites" list merely cause the site to be loaded in what looks like "plain text" with no page rendering - making it completely unusable.
A WORKAROUND is to disable F-secure totally, load the relevant websites, reload F-Secure - all works FINE
HOWEVER THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE - this has only happened since the introduction of "Family Rules" option, and I declined to use it -so why is F-Secure now blocking everything that before was OK ! !!!
You have to re-check situation about this steps:
With meanings - that you want to disable "Content filtering";
With my own experience --> can be blocked as "shopping and auctions"-category; And generally there should be blockpage, than 'pop-up' (but it blockpage-window with full screen and prevent access to website);Adding these sites to the "permitted sites" list merely cause the site to be loaded in what looks like "plain text" with no page rendering - making it completely unusable.
I able to think that this situation based on "another content/domains/resources" - which blocked at background; It can be website's CDN domains or third party scripts. Probably them also can be rated as certain "category" for full domain (which whitelisted);
--> Good to open My F-Secure Account and check "your settings" and "Content filtering" tab.
If it disabled... but pages anyway blocked by restricted-rules... so there should be Support-ticket;
--> More nice workaround -> disable only "Content filtering" (or choose certain categories);
And if there is "broken" page after allowing it. Good to transfer this URL to F-Secure Labs:
With additional words and descriptions -> that there not enough allow only main domain (and maybe other domain's resources under website can be wrongly rated);
--> Family Rules and "Content filtering" with small difference about. So -> probably "denied" Family Rules do not "disable" Content filtering feature (or maybe it was randomly activated during set up);
Yes I have - but my point is "why should I" ? when I never asked for this to be set up in the first place ?
I didnt ask for the "Family Settings" feature, and I didnt select it. I wasnt advised this was coming, and I certainly wasnt advised I had to do anything to my current setup to enable it to carry on working as it has been for years !!
Not top customer service really !!! (and I work for a very large IT co. !! )
Since I'm also only F-Secure user -> it's not known for me.
Maybe you able try to ask F-Secure Support directly:
Or with workdays there can be response from F-Secure staff.
With my own experience:
-- my F-Secure SAFE installation still with "16.5" build and there not comes update/upgrade to recent "17.0" F-Secure SAFE with Family Rules;
So - I not sure how it will be after update/upgrade;
-- but with clean installation under another my system (where F-Secure SAFE "17.0" already) there was proper (?) view;
With meanings -> "Content filtering"-feature is disabled after installation by default; And "Time limits options" too;
Family Rules also did not "used";
-- maybe there is kind of "troublepoint" with updating/upgrading and "feature"-state;
Previously related feature was under Browsing Protection module as "Content Blocker" (for example);
Which also disabled by default, but possible to turn ON it (and by default there can be some 'categories' checked - which you able to re-check as you want); If you mean that previously there was "Content blocker" in use, but with some certain categories and after upgrade there added "Shopping..."-category (or some other); So... quite likely - since I also have experience about such situations - when "categories" re-checked eventually (if there added fresh one or dropped some of categories); But probably it should not be totally like this.
With any of meanings - maybe you able to create fsdiag:
And transfer it to F-Secure team... for their investigation about. Like "Why there content filtering was active/turned ON" and other (if "Allow website"-button do not work; or if "whitelisted" domain under list-of-allow/deny-websites still blocked);
Sorry for my reply.
I have the exact same problem. Is there going to be a fix anytime soon? Even if i allow in settings. I'ts still all text so i can't maneuver the site proper. I can't axcess my prime Amazon stuff! It even blocks which is the Swedish postal service?
@Nexus6 wrote:I have the exact same problem. Is there going to be a fix anytime soon? Even if i allow in settings. I'ts still all text so i can't maneuver the site proper. I can't axcess my prime Amazon stuff! It even blocks which is the Swedish postal service?
If you do not mean that - you want to block/restrict "Shopping"-category --> there should be useful to do next steps:
--> Login under My F-Secure Account;
--> Choose your "profile" (or device) and disable/edit "Content Blocker" about categories - which should not be blocked/prevented;
With your situation - there can be checked "Shopping..."-category; Which possible to uncheck;
As workaround for
- additionally to allowed certain main domain (what you did):
- there required allowed their kind of "cdn":
as example -->
- if you used "unknown content"-category - also can be required to allow URL:
as example -->
Hi bert69!
Hope all is well with you, I have just been in contact with Nexus6 from further down this thread.
We managed to solve the issue, this by going to the "Family rules" section from the SAFE interface, and accepting the use of it.
What we saw for a split second there, was that there were some limitations for web content, but this changed after a few seconds.
Could you please try to do the same?
If this works for you, would you be willing to send me DM here, so I can get information from you to collect logs?
Thanks in advance! -
I have had the same problem for the last 2 days due to the amendment to family rules. I have wasted so much time trying to sort this matter out. I originally opted out of family rules. I have now accepted it & am able to gain access to the blocked sites. Istill have browser is not installed or is turned off on the Fsecure front security page & I cannot understand why this is. It has also only happened since Fsecure changed the area to family rules. It is annoying to have this happen. I pay for a service which I dont consider you have provided in the last few days. Disappointed ibn Fsecure.
That behaviour sounds like a severe bug to me. I'm pretty sure things should work out of the box if family settings is not taken into use. It's only a mechanism for optionally restricting network access, it not being in use should only block malicious content and such. I hope you contacted customer support instead of just writing on the forum. Your problem sounds either like FS misclassifying content or something really wrong in defaults.
I dont know whether the content blocker was or was not enabled prior to your upgrade. I know that since the upgrade to family rules ( which I didnt want anyway) Istill have "browser is not installed or is turned off" on the Fsecure front security page & I cannot understand why this is. It has also only happened since Fsecure changed the area to family rules. My husband was upgraded to family rules last night & now he has the same message in orange on his security front page! What is happening here. I have uninstalled google chrome. Uninstalled Fsecure, reinstalled fsecure & reinstalled google chrome as suggested by Mohd Nuzla Zulkapeli technical support engineer for Fsecure but it hasnt altered this problem. This is taking up so much time trying to resolve what appears to be Fsecure's problem.
Sorry for my ask.
Do you talk about Main F-Secure UI with status about Browsing Protection extension?
If yes (and it partly about another trouble than topic's trouble ?!) -> do you able to re-check:
--> Internet Explorer and Google Chrome about installed extensions/addons;
You able to enable F-Secure Browsing Protection extension (if it disabled under installed browsers) and after some time.. UI can be with proper status;
If you do not want use "Browsing Protection"-extension -- maybe there can be another suggestions (but generally -> they do not related with Family Rules - if this is main reason);
You are most likely talking about "Browser extension is not installed or not turned on". The warning is displayed when the extension is not turned on (or installed) on your default browser.
1. If you use Chrome, make sure that it is your default browser.
> Changing this depends on the Windows version you have.
2. If Chrome is default browser, check that the extension is enabled:
> Click the three dots at top right corner > More tools > Extensions > Browsing protection > Enabled
Thank you so much I was beginning to think I had done something wrong when I havent. Then when my husband updated Fsecure & was asked if he wanted to accept family rules he clicked on later & immediately he got the "browser extensions not installed or tuned off" I realised it had got to be something to do with the update. Does make you wonder whether this update was tested enough before releasing it to your Fsecure customers. I have wasted such a lot of time on this. Do you think Fsecure will do an update in order to correct the problems that this update has caused."
@KiloDelta wrote:I would just like to register I also have a problem with the FSECURE ever since the update and any shopping web-site is blocked and I have to over-ride by clicking allow app but when doing this with Amazon I get the screen as described by other users and cannot use the web site
If you also talk about Windows solution; And if you look for any steps to fix situation;
Do you able to re-check some points (which more valid for your experience) and workarounds like:
--> Login to My F-Secure Account:
--> Choose your "Circle" (like your profile/device/Name);
--> Switch to "Content filtering"-tab (Content Blocker);
--> Turn off this feature OR choose "Edit" and uncheck categories which should not be blocked; For example, "Shopping and auctions";
([×] means 'checked' and such category expected to be blocked);
And choose "Save";
--> Shopping-category rated websites should not be blocked anymore;
OR if you want restrict access to "shopping"-category, but allow "amazon"... maybe you have to add next domains to allow-list (under F-Secure Main UI -> Tools-tab -> Allow/deny websites-list):
Where can be limitation/exception based on your own location;
Sorry for my reply.
@goodytwoshoes wrote:This is all being inverstigated by Cale who is the service manager as they have found some areas that require investigating. I am therefore awaiting the outcome from him or his collegues.
Thank you
OK, sorry!
Actually I created my reply for KiloDelta (and his/her reply).
But I also able to think that good to get official response from F-Secure Staff about any further steps;
So... probably KiloDelta also should ignore my suggestion.
As my own feedback to Cale's ask -> I also got F-Secure SAFE upgrade to 17.0 under my system (recently);
Spoiler- System with multiple user accounts (one of them with was "Content Blocker" enabled; All other - not);
- After upgrade -> I choose deny (or postpone) "Family Rules" invitation;
- Account, where was "Content Blocker" in use -> stay with enabled "Content blocker" (under My F-Secure Account portal); Other accounts (where content blocker did not used) with disabled content blocker under My F-Secure Account Portal (or so; I do not able to check it under Portal - since I added wrong mail-address to account and it not possible to activate it - even installation still work);
- Content blocker categories "switched" (?!) to default from my own setting; Or, at least, there choosed "Shopping"-category after upgrade by default (even it was not there before); Compare to situation.. that there cleared list of allow/deny websites (for stable release too) --> I able to think about such 'autochoose' category as about not totally critical point (but not expected);
- I did not have experience about stuck with "Browsing Protection extensions are disabled or not installed" under my systems with Internet Explorer/Edge/Firefox; At least, as stable trouble; Since re-open browser (default and Internet Explorer) or re-enabled extensions under them (and restart system/some minutes for refresh UI) fix temporary stuck with some of situations; With common situations -> there is all Ok; I did not use Chrome ---> since it repeated 'in-house' by F-Secure -- good to know.. if trouble based only on Chrome or something else (?!); And does this is based on something more than UI trouble.. or extension did not work indeed (?!); Just interesting.
Hey everyone,
Just a status update that we rolled out a fix for the shopping category issue yesterday. We also rolled out a fix for the extension status issue to our beta users. If all goes well, the fix rolls out for the rest within a week.
And like always, the updates install automatically and don't require any action from you.
I have still got the same problem, despite your fix. The problem is not resolved although F-Secure updates automatically. My 'fix' is to disable F-Secure completely. My final fix will be to switch to an other security product. I do not want to waste so much time and money on these bugs.
@Roland68 wrote:I have still got the same problem, despite your fix. The problem is not resolved although F-Secure updates automatically. My 'fix' is to disable F-Secure completely. My final fix will be to switch to an other security product. I do not want to waste so much time and money on these bugs.
With my own experience there indeed was some fixes (as part of updates).
Do you talk about "problem" as about "blocking websites as shopping-category"? Chrome-extension status or something else?
Because except 'switch to another solution' - there should be more reasonable and friendly 'fix' than 'to disable F-Secure completely";
Hi F-Secure,
I am awaiting an update, which has not been forth coming, as I still have the same fault, are F-Secure going to give us an update and fix the problem, or do I have to find another provider?
I have one computer that I have not allowed the update to go through on and it works fine, but I am not getting the service and the protection that I am paying for.
Can you elaborate your problem a bit? Which product (IS/SAFE) you are using and which web site is blocked for you, or do you mean some other issue discussed in this thread?
You should not be able to prevent updates in conventional means unless you are using very old version (16.1 and older) of the product.
The update that has caused all the problems regarding shopping websites as discussed in this chain of messages, on my lap top it gave me the option to defer the update, so whilst awaiting a fix to the update, that had affected my other computer I took the option to defer the update awaiting a fix to the update problem, so my lap top continues to work normally.
The main issue is since the update I cannot use Amazon, other shopping websites I can allow when the blocker appears, my concern is by overiding do I have less protection, they are not obscure web sites that the web-blocker appears on it is high street brand name websites , which were okay before the update
@KiloDelta wrote:Hi,
The update that has caused all the problems regarding shopping websites as discussed in this chain of messages, on my lap top it gave me the option to defer the update, so whilst awaiting a fix to the update, that had affected my other computer I took the option to defer the update awaiting a fix to the update problem, so my lap top continues to work normally.
The main issue is since the update I cannot use Amazon, other shopping websites I can allow when the blocker appears, my concern is by overiding do I have less protection, they are not obscure web sites that the web-blocker appears on it is high street brand name websites , which were okay before the update
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (so.. only unofficial suggestions);
With my own experience -> my F-Secure SAFE received certain updates for Online Safety module (?!). And trouble is fixed (at least, shopping-category do not restricted anymore); Just as part of daily autoupdates;
If such update did not work for you (or do not comes for your installation yet) --> maybe you're able to try/re-try such potential workarounds-steps from my previous reply for you:
At least, maybe it will be more 'friendly' until official updates/fix installed;
And sorry if I understand your situation wrongly;