Campaign name?

Verulle Posts: 2 New Member

What is it campaign name? 


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    It should be something, which related with your "setting" for get subscription.


    And I can to think that there can be small difference between "campaign code" and "campaign name" - but both of them time to time can be about one meanings.


    It can be as "promo" or "specific" campaign (or exclusive); Or can be just indication of "solution" -> so there can be 'box' or 'totalbox' (if you bought the box with F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure Total) as example;


    About which F-Secure solution it required for you? Also usually it should be under the "documentation" or description with mail-letter; I mean there should be explanation about where you have to find the "campaign name" for activation your subscription (or get some other points with "campaign code").


    Sorry for my reply.



  • chrt
    chrt Posts: 5 Observer

    Why can´t F-secure just tell the users where to find that campaign name or code . Is it that hard?  Have tried to find a solution all over . But there are no answeres from either community or tech support . Where can we find it ? I payed online for this and I have the reicet. Now I cannot start my protection . It really pissesme off major time .  Make my day F-secure ! PLEASE !

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    If you already was with experience about direct Suppot Channels: Chat or Phone (because they able to re-check your subscription information and solution type), but  indeed was not helpful:


    --> which F-Secure solutions you bought?! F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure Total? F-Secure IS, F-Scure AV?

    As box (?!) or onlineshop? And directly from F-Secure? With using any promotions or coupons?


    --> with most of situations there should be:

    F-Secure directly says where you have to find campaign name or subscription;

    Also with 'proper' URL to registration (creating account -> activating subscription);


    For example, campaign name or subscription code (based on "My F-Secure Account" tips) explain that can be found on Box or card. Both of things can be when your purchased it offline (or online, but about box solutions);

    With online (or as additional for any meanings) -> there should mail-letter from F-Secure as confirmation your subscription/purchase and credentials/FAQs.


    So - do you miss any of this things? No mail-letters, no instructions under box?


    // later added: just will be good if you back with reply and more information. because as you noted - there quite enough topics/situations under community with missing answers - but large part of them based on missed feedback from users (about if they resolved trouble and how; or they still with such trouble... even there can be missing any other fresh suggestions - it good to re-ask about potential ones); 

  • chrt
    chrt Posts: 5 Observer

    F-secure SAFE bought online. Recieved an email from F-secure with a code but with no "campaign name".  So,,,I´m stuck and cannot initiate my SAFE subscription. Why must they make it so difficult ? All I need is that friggin campaign name. Where do I find it ? Looks like I am not alone , searching for that .


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    there probably required clarification and most likely useful step is contact F-Secure Support directly:


    As chat/phone-option. Because they able to check information about your subscription (which 'campaign name' there or which steps required);



    Even there maybe situation with something as promotion (and some random letter-code) - which suppose to be available from 'purchase'-place....:

    But as my temporary suggestion (which you able to try): if there missing any other letters/credentials from F-Secure (or even instructions when you registering account - and maybe there was required certain URL?!) ... do you able to re-check  "box" campaign name? Just as example. If it indeed required and usually it should be valid campaign name for box-solutions. If not - just back with reply... or more nice to get contact Chat/Phone Support and than back with reply if there will be success!

  • chrt
    chrt Posts: 5 Observer

    Tried to call support in Norway. And no answere . Made my day . Frustration understated.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Yes, time to time it with unexpected result with support available status. Maybe you able try chat also (if you did not it) - which can be not available from first too.

    Also maybe for chat - there possible to use local F-Secure website (with my previous reply I provided "global")

    Because I not sure if there can be difference.


    And did you try "box" campaign-name as try?

  • chrt
    chrt Posts: 5 Observer

    Tried it and it says"this campaign has ended" .

  • chrt
    chrt Posts: 5 Observer

    Do F-secure provide VALIUM to their customers ? I sure could use a few of those,,,,!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Since there just F-Secure official stuff able to re-check your subscription/license information.... tries to reach chat/phone support will be still most useful (as more brief-step); But maybe you able to try reach Community Managers (which able to redirect concern) -> as example , for example - as try to 'boost situation';


    -> what about "box" and "this campaign has ended" - I did not try it with valid subscription code (but for me it do not give such 'response'); there was also campaign name as 'totalbox' (but FOR MY understanding - it should work for F-Secure Total box solutions) - but not sure already;


    -> as another suggestion: there was some topics (where user also tried to get campaign name) this one

    and another one - but there was response that most likely there was purchased F-Secure Internet Security (but not F-Secure SAFE).  So... just as re-check - with your situation there definitely F-Secure SAFE?! and not F-Secure Internet Security (?!).

  • Hi @chrt,


    I have now escalated this case directly to our support team for assisting your further. They will be contacting you via email for further communication.

  • tami1
    tami1 Posts: 2 New Member

    This is correct, you just write box!!!

  • tami1
    tami1 Posts: 2 New Member

    This is correct, you just write box as a campaign name!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @tami1 wrote:

    This is correct, you just write box as a campaign name!

    Just as addition: there can be some other campaign-names too (but it should be provided by ?! src of subscription or should be visible under instructions for certain type of subscription); :)

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