Campaign name?

It should be something, which related with your "setting" for get subscription.
And I can to think that there can be small difference between "campaign code" and "campaign name" - but both of them time to time can be about one meanings.
It can be as "promo" or "specific" campaign (or exclusive); Or can be just indication of "solution" -> so there can be 'box' or 'totalbox' (if you bought the box with F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure Total) as example;
About which F-Secure solution it required for you? Also usually it should be under the "documentation" or description with mail-letter; I mean there should be explanation about where you have to find the "campaign name" for activation your subscription (or get some other points with "campaign code").
Sorry for my reply.
Why can´t F-secure just tell the users where to find that campaign name or code . Is it that hard? Have tried to find a solution all over . But there are no answeres from either community or tech support . Where can we find it ? I payed online for this and I have the reicet. Now I cannot start my protection . It really pissesme off major time . Make my day F-secure ! PLEASE !
If you already was with experience about direct Suppot Channels: Chat or Phone (because they able to re-check your subscription information and solution type), but indeed was not helpful:
--> which F-Secure solutions you bought?! F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure Total? F-Secure IS, F-Scure AV?
As box (?!) or onlineshop? And directly from F-Secure? With using any promotions or coupons?
--> with most of situations there should be:
F-Secure directly says where you have to find campaign name or subscription;
Also with 'proper' URL to registration (creating account -> activating subscription);
For example, campaign name or subscription code (based on "My F-Secure Account" tips) explain that can be found on Box or card. Both of things can be when your purchased it offline (or online, but about box solutions);
With online (or as additional for any meanings) -> there should mail-letter from F-Secure as confirmation your subscription/purchase and credentials/FAQs.
So - do you miss any of this things? No mail-letters, no instructions under box?
// later added: just will be good if you back with reply and more information. because as you noted - there quite enough topics/situations under community with missing answers - but large part of them based on missed feedback from users (about if they resolved trouble and how; or they still with such trouble... even there can be missing any other fresh suggestions - it good to re-ask about potential ones);
F-secure SAFE bought online. Recieved an email from F-secure with a code but with no "campaign name". So,,,I´m stuck and cannot initiate my SAFE subscription. Why must they make it so difficult ? All I need is that friggin campaign name. Where do I find it ? Looks like I am not alone , searching for that .
Sorry for my reply.
there probably required clarification and most likely useful step is contact F-Secure Support directly:
As chat/phone-option. Because they able to check information about your subscription (which 'campaign name' there or which steps required);
Even there maybe situation with something as promotion (and some random letter-code) - which suppose to be available from 'purchase'-place....:
But as my temporary suggestion (which you able to try): if there missing any other letters/credentials from F-Secure (or even instructions when you registering account - and maybe there was required certain URL?!) ... do you able to re-check "box" campaign name? Just as example. If it indeed required and usually it should be valid campaign name for box-solutions. If not - just back with reply... or more nice to get contact Chat/Phone Support and than back with reply if there will be success!
Yes, time to time it with unexpected result with support available status. Maybe you able try chat also (if you did not it) - which can be not available from first too.
Also maybe for chat - there possible to use local F-Secure website (with my previous reply I provided "global")
Because I not sure if there can be difference.
And did you try "box" campaign-name as try?
Since there just F-Secure official stuff able to re-check your subscription/license information.... tries to reach chat/phone support will be still most useful (as more brief-step); But maybe you able to try reach Community Managers (which able to redirect concern) -> as example , for example - as try to 'boost situation';
-> what about "box" and "this campaign has ended" - I did not try it with valid subscription code (but for me it do not give such 'response'); there was also campaign name as 'totalbox' (but FOR MY understanding - it should work for F-Secure Total box solutions) - but not sure already;
-> as another suggestion: there was some topics (where user also tried to get campaign name) this one
and another one - but there was response that most likely there was purchased F-Secure Internet Security (but not F-Secure SAFE). So... just as re-check - with your situation there definitely F-Secure SAFE?! and not F-Secure Internet Security (?!).