Fsecure Safe 2016 vs Firefox vs Torrent

IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast


1) What happened, it does not work the bank security in Firefox 48?
Also will not plug into F-Secure Key and classification of pages (colors with search results search)

Is F-Secure Safe fix it in 16 or did you fix your in a future version?

Is not it easier these things have been built in anti-virus than to play in a variety of plug-ins? Your competitors Bitdefender 2016 all these things as the classification of pages and Safepay (the bank security) have built-in antivirus and do not need to install any plug-ins. This is also when it is not dependent on the version of the browser.
The Bitdefender is only one plug - MyWallet. So your counterpart Key.

Kaspersky Eset Gdata Bitdefender etc.  have their own dedicated browser for the payment of bank or online shopping. Their solutions are independent of whether it is a new version of Firefox, the new version of Chrome or any other browser. There is always work.
I think you as F-Secure can afford to newer versions, there was no fun in plugins. Such a situation as it is now with Firefox may soon happen in other browsers now or in the future.

Additionally, in you bank security only works for sites of banks. I can not use the online stores with your protection. Why?
In the said competition I have this option.


2) Torrent downloaded the zip file. He enrolled in the drive. F-Secure does not even react when saving. Only when I scanned on demand, it turned out that the compressed file is dangerous application.
Why F-Secure did not inform me of this when saving a file? F-Secure has a scan in real time! F-Secure does not scan compressed files when scanning in real time?




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser





    Sorry for my reply (maybe there more nice to get normal response by F-Secure team).


    But I want to create my suggestions around your points (and based on my experience with usage F-Secure solutions).


    FIRST - about Firefox 48 and F-Secure extension.



    There was known trouble (probably) with this setting. And it was fixed (how can to understand.. fix already available for beta/tp-usage).

    Not sure about stable solution and Firefox 48.0.2 on current time (I do not use Firefox - so not known for me - on current time), but F-Secure provide technologies for update/upgrade extensions (and simply network-based things). This mean - that "fresh release" not important. Update can be for current build/release as real-time upgrading extension/browsing-protection module. So... if extension do not work with your experience (under Firefox 48) - and if there was release-fix for stable solution - maybe can be helpful information about build of your installed extension under Firefox. And maybe there required some of manual steps (maybe as re-install extension by certain option).


    Maybe this is also just Firefox 48 trouble (my dreams about this.. just strange.. that banking protection did not work). Do you have normal experience with Internet Explorer about Banking Protection at this time?


    SECOND - extension under F-Secure SAFE solution is work for support HTTPS (practically)..


    Banking Protection do not related with extension (totally), but in fact... of course... related with browsers.



    Banking Protection will work just with supported ones (or eventually supported ones) browsers. And should be some kind of "updated" version. I think there can be good meaning too. For banking reasons... more nice to use trusted/high-quality browsers (as can be Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox)... and more nice to use it... when browsers is up-to-dated (including.. all fixes under this browsers). Also Banking Protection will work just with HTTPS pages (there also quite nice point - if banking page is not HTTPS... there already can be strange dreams around bank/payment pages).

    How I can to understand... extension anyway.... maybe can to help for Banking Protection... work more "invisible" for user. Such as prevent random-trigger for Banking protection (under not banking pages) or related things around this. But extension not a total-important point for Banking Protection.


    Also rating-pictures under search results (for Bing, Yahoo, Google) also not totally based on extension. You able to get rating-pictures under http Bing (where extension is disabled?). But for get search results under Google/Yahoo/Bing HTTPS... there required extension. For normal support it.


    THIRD - about zip.-files under torrent-downloading.




    F-Secure provide some of features, which can to related with your experience.


    First one: F-Secure AV module have settings.

    Under this settings have tab, which called "Firewall" - where have option like "advanced network protection" (or something like that). Which can be as network traffic scanning.

    This feature most helpful for p2p-design and some other (some kind of real-time scanning for downloading by applications).


    If feature is disabled.. most likely you able to download file (but not launch/execute automatically), which known as malicious. If feature is enabled (checked) - F-Secure should to detect this file. Not sure already about zipped files (I have experience with compressed files too... but what if it changed already).


    Real-time protection will work (against encrypred,compressed,zip-files) in this situation.. when you will try to unpack it. Or should to react. For some of zipped-files... probably will be work design with real-time scanning (when it possible to scan). With my experience Bitdefender (or another big security company) do not work normally with encrypted files (or tricks with compressed/zipped/not-common-extensions). Basically main core in scan.. will be same between.


    When you manually scan this file... so maybe detection there based on point... that you check options for manual scanning under settings about "Scan compressed files" (and uncheck "scan only known file-types"). Also good to check "advanced scanning"-option. So... you able to get detection before unpack/launch/action.


    And I think there... can be small difference about source of downloading (for compressed/zipped/encrypted files). Real-time scanning can to prevent at launch/usage/unpack/decrypt (if it not detected by real-time scanning in somewhat reason, but should). In other meanings - there can be DeepGuard (as something like NHIPS) or other layers (based on situation).



    And about Banking Protection some else words.



    There just different design about provide/create protection for banking/shopping/other.

    There possible three-four designs. Two of them most popular. Also usually there various destination/limitation/specific additional.


    Different technologies in use.


    F-Secure Banking Protection meaning in point.. that it block not trusted network connection during banking.

    And some kind of "accept"-point that you are indeed under banking page.


    All of this can be not perfect... and malicious authors can to trick it (of course) - but this is not common situation (I think).


    So.. in fact.. you able to get Banking Protection for your online store. With meaning - you open two tabs. One tab with bank page (which will trigger Banking Protection) and another tab for online store. Banking Protection work for all tabs, system network connections and other. So... it covered your system at this time.

    Troublepoint can be there - that some of online store pages can be blocked - but you able to allow visit this page.


    With design of Safe Browser...  there can be more words about "small promote points" and something like "keyloggers"-protection or other points, which can to "create" isolation from your main system.

    I think if it enough for user - maybe more "perfect" to use specific Virtual Machine or specific another machine (just for banking/shopping reasons and not more else).

    In fact.. I can not to talk about certain this points... because my experience about another solutions (include Bitdefender and other). And various technologies for provide banking protection (like safe browsers)... can be outdated. Maybe this companies (how I can to understand.. some of them - just started to use it) create more layers/points and improvements around this technologies.
    But previously.. it was nice solutions, but with specific troubles too (include safe browsers - which in fact.. of course... fixed time to time).


    Sorry for my long reply. Smiley SadSmiley Sad



  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast




    1) F-Secure
    2) Firefox
    3) Same plugins
    It gives nothing.


    Maybe this is also just Firefox 48 trouble (my dreams about this.. just strange.. that banking protection did not work). Do you have normal experience with Internet Explorer about Banking Protection at this time?


     I do not use for 10 years, the Internet Explorer and do not intend to continue to use.
    But Internet Explorer all plugins and functions work.


    I am waiting for repair from the F-Secure to all work on the latest version of Firefox
    That is why I asked the question - when F-Secure to improve?

    Ranking Web reputation works on internet explorer. It does not work on firefox.
    As regards the protection of banking.
    Other manufacturers have a dedicated browser to the bank payments and in laboratory tests MRG- Effitas solution F-Secure has never won. It was not even in the lead.
    Solution Kasperky or Bitdefender (Safe Pay ) by testing of the laboratory is definitely better, and today one of the best on the market. Additionally, you can install for free Safepay
    No need to have a Bitdefender license to use their solutions

    Therefore, I hope
    the evolution of this solution in the case of F-Secure.

    Prevention is better than later, count on the treatment DeepGuard.


    THIRD - about zip.-files under torrent-downloading.


    All the settings I have included and if they are turned on - it's on the settings of the maximum.
    F-Secure does not scan in real-time compressed files. The contents of compressed files are scanned by F-Secure in two cases
    1) When unpacking
    2) During the on-demand scan.

    Bitdefender solution works more advanced. The basic settings works the same as F-Secure. In contrast, when we set at the maximum scanning feature access, Bitdefender also a real-time scan packed files. It consists in the fact that it is enough to move the mouse on the zip file and the default, Bitdefender scans the compressed file and immediately gives results if the compressed file is a threat.
    Therefore, when using the torrent Bitdefender scans during real-time packed files. If the file is levied threats in Immediately alert.

    There is no such solution in the case of F-Secure. Why??
    I do not know how to scan while downloading from websites packed files, because I did not have a situation that F-Secure has detected something.



    Overall I am very happy with F-Secure.
    Unfortunately, the package is for me too simplistic and lacks a few features. Competing products once they have

    1) There is no dedicated firewall in F-Secure. Windows Firewall is leaky
    2) There is no dedicated browser to the bank payments. It would not be such a situation now that is with Firefox. Today, Firefox. Tomorrow may be the Opera or Chrome. Besides tests of the British laboratory MRG- Effitas F-Secure is not even in the lead.
    3) Lack a little bit more aggressive settings in the protection against viruses (example I gave above - no scan compressed files in real time). Not so long ago, F-Secure does not even scan compressed files on demand (it was probably version 2011)
    4) All current plug-ins that we need to incorporate in your browser should be incorporated in the F-Secure (Browser Protection, Banking Protection etc). Just as it has Bitdefender.
    5) No Anti Thief. Installing on a laptop F-Secure is unnecessary. Each user therefore selects the product of competition.
    6) No automatic scanning connected external devices. I mean, for example, by USB. F-Secure user himself must scan on demand. We need to know that even with a good anti-virus on your computer ALWAYS better solution is to scan the files before their execution. Many people are just hoping for protection from anti-virus. Not knowing the reputation of the file it launches a beloved and effective antivirus previously not responding. Consequently, it turns out that we have just launched ransomware, which encryption us the entire computer.
    7) No ability to send files for analysis laboratory. We need to use a special tool. I do not know whether the update signature database files in quarantine are scanned or sent automatically. Somebody knows?

    The rest of the things that have F-Secure is the same advantages. These 7 points will improve and F-Secure program will be almost perfect.
    I believe in people working in F-Secure. I believe that these few functions that I mentioned to you in the near future. Hopefully as soon as possible. Having then as good as F-Secure Safe product with great effectiveness and detection of different viruses I can sleep peacefully. And unhindered use of Internet resources.
    Regards :)


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser





    With my experience of install Firefox and stable F-Secure SAFE give a result.. that there normally work extension (HTTPS support work and I can to get search results under Google/Bing/Yahoo HTTPS). Banking Protection also will work.

    I think maybe you have something specific.. and maybe most helpful can be a create Support Ticket for F-Secure.




    I have experience about SafePay and I do not feel that it was greatest. It was probably "secure" - but I get some troubles (when there in fact... something like limitation/known troubles with this safe browser). And I also get "thrash" in system after this (which not possible to remove by common steps. Include specific tools by Bitdefender).


    I read/check MRG- Effitas tests-results about Banking protection / online payments protection some years ago.

    And... F-Secure.. of course... not won there. Because.. how I remember they created tests between just "feature" - but not between technologies.

    They compare things, which can not be added as "one technology". And most of things... should be... in fact... part of real-time protection or common protection layer. Or simply... settings under browser (like blocking third party cookies or other).  But I not read it recently.. will check it in some days. Also how I remember... they certainly created successful exploit-attack (or found troubles in design) for safe browsers too.


    About seven points - of course.. this points can be "important". And I sure.. that engineers of F-Secure... often to talk about it. And I sure.. that current design also comes not just randomly, but with purpose... and meanings about "balance" around.

    But about some of them:



    - probably you mean not a just firewall, but additional for firewall (as can be there). Because just dedicated firewall most likely "leaky" as Windows-firewall too.

    - plugins/extensions as "Browsing Protection" (which required JUST for support HTTPS-point. Such as rating pictures under HTTPS search pages) and "Search Toolbar" (which just as "optionally point").

    Banking Protection and Browsing Protection in common meanings and with most part of this.. work as "internal features" of F-Secure solution. They do not require extensions. You can to disable extension/addon and get Banking Protection (when it work, of course) with Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. Network connections prevention work for system connections (not based on browser; and not extension based). Addons can be just as "support point" for some trouble-situations (HTTPS-support, some whitelist/blacklist for trigger banking protection flyer, maybe something else around), where it required for provide proper design and guarantee of work. But this is just my suggestions. Maybe you have to get normal response from F-Secure. When something do not work with one of browsers.... can be as visible explanation.. why F-Secure support (officially) just three of most popular browsers.

    -in my experience I can to get detection for compressed (and zipped files) by real-time protection before my any action. With my "files"... not enough just target a mouse around file, but enough right-click (or any similar action).  With some of other files... can be various design. When I check this... usually I can to get different result about small changes around "setting". In most of situations... real-time protection available to block launch/access before any other actions.
    -I think that there have specific tool to transfer files for analysis.. but this is not documented.
    Anyway... there have just a page, where you able to manually transfer suspected files for F-Secure SAS.
    What about real-time... there work design (or should to work).. that if F-Secure solution suspect or detected suspicious file, which was PREVIOUSLY unknown for F-Secure and some kind of "first time meeting". There should be trigger for prompt about "transfer this file for analysis". Automatically.. when required.
    In my experience.. I get this just two times. 




    Sorry for my reply.





  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    I would like to explain the beginning of a sentence that i wrote before.

    4) All current plug-ins that we need to incorporate in your browser should be incorporated in the F-Secure (Browser Protection, Banking Protection etc). Just as it has Bitdefender.


    I mean that, All this plug Bitdefender has built in himself and does not need to install any plug-in browsers.
    I think it's a better solution and always greater confidence that the plug will operate independently of the browser used by us.





    With my experience of install Firefox and stable F-Secure SAFE give a result.. that there normally work extension (HTTPS support work and I can to get search results under Google/Bing/Yahoo HTTPS). Banking Protection also will work.

    I think maybe you have something specific.. and maybe most helpful can be a create Support Ticket for F-Secure.



    I looked through many sites on the internet and many users complain that it is not always all connectors work with the latest version of Firefox.
    Currently I do not have to check, because I get it on promotion for 90 days Bitdefender and I test myself Bitdefender to see differences. I also read that the F-Secure knows this and is working on it.



    I read/check MRG- Effitas tests-results about Banking protection / online payments protection some years ago.

    And... F-Secure.. of course... not won there. Because.. how I remember they created tests between just "feature" - but not between technologies.


    The result goes in the world. People do not look at the methodology of the tests. People look at a table and for a solution which won.



    About seven points - of course.. this points can be "important". And I sure.. that engineers of F-Secure... often to talk about it. And I sure.. that current design also comes not just randomly, but with purpose... and meanings about "balance" around.


    I wrote 7 points to the missing today at F-Secure. I wrote what people complain about. I wrote why people choose other options instead of F-Secure.


    But about some of them:


    a) probably you mean not a just firewall, but additional for firewall (as can be there). Because just dedicated firewall most likely "leaky" as Windows-firewall too.


    Exactly. I miss a firewall that is not a hole in the Windows firewall. I miss the firewall because it has competition. Gdata Kaspersky Eset Bitdefenfer etc all have a dedicated firewall. 


    b) in my experience I can to get detection for compressed (and zipped files) by real-time protection before my any action. With my "files"... not enough just target a mouse around file, but enough right-click (or any similar action).  With some of other files... can be various design. When I check this... usually I can to get different result about small changes around "setting". In most of situations... real-time protection available to block launch/access before any other actions.


    F-Secure does not scan compressed files in real time. Threats in the packed file is detected by F-Secure only when scanning on demand.

    I gave as an example of downloading files on Torrent. F-Secure viruses in compressed files can not detect in this case when downloading files.
    F-Secure does not detect viruses in compressed files when saving to disk. F-Secure does not scan compressed files when copying partition to partition.
    Always threats in compressed files you learn only during on-demand scans.
    F-Secure should scan compressed files at least when saving to disk.
    I do not like it. That's why I wrote.


    c) I think that there have specific tool to transfer files for analysis.. but this is not documented.
    Anyway... there have just a page, where you able to manually transfer suspected files for F-Secure SAS.




    Very well I talk with you. Thank you.

    I have a fundamental question!
    Why does not yet answer any employee F-Secure?
    I would like to answer my questions and clarify all the doubts.



  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Today I got a message on an email asking if I was satisfied with its reply.
    I'm not. I am waiting for a reply F-Secure.


    One sentence to point 6 that I wrote earlier.


    6) No automatic scanning connected external devices. I mean, for example, by USB. F-Secure user himself must scan on demand. We need to know that even with a good anti-virus on your computer ALWAYS better solution is to scan the files before their execution. Many people are just hoping for protection from anti-virus. Not knowing the reputation of the file it launches a beloved and effective antivirus previously not responding. Consequently, it turns out that we have just launched ransomware, which encryption us the entire computer.


    One solution was with more nice design.. just "prevent/block" plug .. and ask "scan it?!" or "will use and scan later"?

    I would like to at F-Secure was the function. Every time you use a USB jump should pop up asking if you want to scan or do no want to scan . Or setting to be able to integrate permanently scanning USB.
    They have a Eset, Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Gdata and many others.

    I am really missing this function in F-Secure.

  • Hi IceMan7,


    Sorry for the delay in getting to you. And thanks for your detailed input. I did look through your posts but @Ukko was replying to the queries pretty much in detail. We are always here for the presence, but din't jump in as we appreciate more interaction and engagement among the Community members.


    Regarding the working of Banking Protection and Firefox version 48, I will check with our Product Experts and get back to you to see if there is any issue.


    About the scanning of compressed files, by default, zipped files are not scanned in real time but will be scanned when you attempt to execute the contents of the zipped file. There are more inforrmation given regarding zipped file scanning in the link here.


    Regarding the USB scan, yes, there is no automatic scan of USB's. However, it scans any file which is executed or accessed from the USB device. There is also an idea posted here regarding the same topic. Please have a look.

  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Laksh napisali:

    Hi IceMan7,


    Sorry for the delay in getting to you. And thanks for your detailed input. I did look through your posts but @Ukko was replying to the queries pretty much in detail. We are always here for the presence, but din't jump in as we appreciate more interaction and engagement among the Community members.

    Hi Laksh

    I thought that as you understood it, so Ukko moved the conversation on the PW


    Regarding the working of Banking Protection and Firefox version 48, I will check with our Product Experts and get back to you to see if there is any issue.

    The network is not the only one I noticed a problem with Firefox. Already  several times I reinstalled F-Secure. Several times I reinstalled Firefox.
    Never anything not working properly. Once there is a problem with the protection of banking. Another time FsecureKey. etc

    I read on one of the forums that you know (FSecure) the problem and you working on it.


    Laksh napisali:

    About the scanning of compressed files, by default, zipped files are not scanned in real time but will be scanned when you attempt to execute the contents of the zipped file. There are more inforrmation given regarding zipped file scanning in the link here.

    Sam came to this conclusion. Finally I wrote.
    Question to F-Secure. Why is not there to scan compressed files in real time? Why not give the possibility of including such a function in the settings?
    According to me why download a virus compressed file to your computer?
    Eset or Bitdefender on the default settings do not scan compressed files in real time. But they make it possible to incorporate such a feature in the settings.


    Laksh napisali:
    Regarding the USB scan, yes, there is no automatic scan of USB's. However, it scans any file which is executed or accessed from the USB device. There is also an idea posted here regarding the same topic. Please have a look.

    I am glad that you are working on it.
    USB does not have to be set by default to scan.
    Can you give the opportunity to choose the settings.
    In ESET and Bitdefender USB connection pops up after pop up and a choice of activities. They also have the ability to adjust settings permanently scan each connected USB

  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast



    All the time I'm waiting for an answer on Firefox. You promised to come back with the answer.
    I still do not work with Firefox. Protecting banking works on Opera. It does not work on Opera also qualification pages

  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    As for Opera and qualification of the parties ....
    He helped me Ukko. Thank you Ukko! :)


    Under installation F-Secure folder an subfolders like "apps\OnlineSafety\browser\install"  should be folder about Chrome-app extension.

    If you transfer this file to address-bar of Opera.. this will trigger install extension (or under tab of extensions... with Opera settings).

    My fault is that I forgot about the fact that Opera is also based on Chromium as Google Chrome


    The problem with Firefox still valid.

  • Hi IceMan7,


    Sorry to keep you waiting! But there is a good news - the fix was released yesterday regarding this Banking protection-Firefox issue. Could you please verify it again and keep us updated?



  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Hi Laksh


    Fix works :)

    If someone has a problem it does not have to reinstall Firefox.
    Just go (given for Windows 7)
    C / Program Files (x86) /FSecure/Safe/apps/OnlineSafety/browser/install/fs_firefox_https/fs_firefox_https.xpi (click and open with Firefox)

    Thank you!

  • IceMan7
    IceMan7 Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Now, still I am waiting in the F-Secure 2017 for the other features that I mentioned in this topic;)

  • Hi IceMan7,


    Glad to know it works. I will inform our team about your update. Thanks.

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