Does F Secure work on Ventura 13.1?

Accepted Answer
First of all, it is good to know what is your F-Secure solution and what is version of it. If you cannot locate where to find this information - I will try to find some kind of guide about subject.
As such, there was a discussion about beta releases and Ventura Support ( - so, it is supposedly ended with support.
As stated there for stable releases: What's New in F-Secure SAFE for Mac - F-Secure Community (This release has been optimized for full macOS Venture compatibility.)
However, it was not about exactly Ventura 13.1 (maybe?!). So, there is already further F-Secure app for Mac (19.0) and its releases notes: What's new in the F-Secure app for Mac - F-Secure Community (but I did not find anything about known trouble).
So, I think F-Secure should work on Ventura 13.1. But there are some related topics:
Databases too old iMAC M1 Big Sur 11.5.2 — F-Secure Community
and How to update the antivirus database? — F-Secure Community
If proposed suggestions and solutions are not workable or suitable for your situation - you could try to reach their Official Support channels. For example, web-chat: Contact support | F-Secure
If chat is marked as "unavailable" - try a bit later. Usually, it only means that all free slots are already occupied. And all Support Agents in touch with someone else on current minute.
So, it will be possible to perform a bit more technical investigation and share information with developers as a result.