Protect Multiple Devices (Seven)

Guten Morgen,
ich habe nach vielen Jahren mit Mitbewerbern zu F-Secure gewechselt.
Testweise kaufte ich eine Lizenz (Dezember).
Da ich zufrieden war, kaufte ich eine weitere Dreier Lizenz.
Und hier fängt aus meiner Sicht das Problem an.
Vor wenigen Tagen kaufte ich eine zusätzliche Dreierlizenz.
Bei allen bisherigen Mitbewerbern ( Kaspersky, GData,Bitdefender,Avira)
könnte ich damit unsere Sieben Geräte schützen.
Bei ihnen wurden leider nur Drei Geräte aktiviert, die Laufzeiten aber erheblich verlängert.
Das war natürlich nicht in meinem Sinne.
Was kann ich nun tun außer noch eine Fünfer Lizenz zusätzlich kaufen?
Sind denn dann 5+3= Acht Geräte versichert, oder wieder nur Fünf?
Es ist sehr schade gleich zu Beginn so eine unschöne Erfahrung zu machen, Supporttelefon dauerbesetzt, keine deutschsprachige Hilfe und zu allem Überfluss Zwei ungeschützte Geräte.
Notgedrungen installiere ich da wieder Kaspersky, den wir aus verständlichen Gründen meiden wollen.
Bleiben Sie bitte gesund, Antworten gerne auch in Englisch, ich bin gerade nur zu frustriert alles auf Englisch zu schreiben.
Accepted Answer
Hi @KaSto
Thank you for reaching out to F-Secure Community.
I apologize, we only have English and Finnish language for the Community page currently. You may reach our German support language from +49 (0) 89 380 387 55 on Mon-Fri 8-18 or chat support from this link
However, in regards to your issue, I have checked in the system, and the reason for this issue is due to you have added multiple retail codes to your F-Secure account. It is possible to add multiple retail codes, however, kindly note that the number of licenses will stay the same. For example, if the code is for 3 devices, and you add another code for 3 devices, the subscription time will only be extended for 3 devices, not 6.
For further explanation:
- 31st Mar 2022 - you add a SAFE retail code for 1 device, 12 months. This code extends your subscription from 31st Mar 2022 to 31st March 2023 for SAFE, 1 device.
- 27th May 2022 - you add another SAFE retail code for 3 devices, 15 months. This code extends your subscription to 30th June 2024 for SAFE, 3 devices because this code has a different number of devices from the previous code, hence, it extends the number of licenses also.
- 7th June 2022 - you add another SAFE retail code for the same number of devices (3 devices), 15 months. And due to this code having the same number of devices as the previous code, it extends the subscription length to 30th Sept 2025 only, not the number of devices/licenses.
I hope this helps clarify the issue. Kindly let me know if you require further assistance.
thanks for your return message,
although I am not satisfied with this type of customer loyalty.
Pleased explain what happens, when I by another
buy another five license's?
Can I protect 5+3 devices or will it only be five?
How to protect seven devices?
As an IT specialist, I look after another 12 devices, but with this license model I'd better advise customers against it!
Above all, for me as a German-speaking user,
this license behavior was not clearly evident and my English is actually not bad!
Disappointed greetings from Hamburg.
Good evening, thank you for your feedback. The solution found is satisfactory for both sides. However, I am now trying to send a customer a second license as an invitation, but as soon as I want to send an invitation I get the following error message: "The user has already been added to your group." How can I send or assign a second license to a special customer now? The customer requires a total of 3 licenses. I look forward to your feedback, have a nice evening and stay healthy KaSto
Hi @KaSto
If you are referring to the sub-user under your profile named Ann...(not the full name) then he/she has to be removed from your profile first before he/she can set up a new TOTAL account with that email address.
That user can currently use your remaining license of F-Secure SAFE (not TOTAL) because he/she is still under your profile and cannot be invited elsewhere or allowed to create an independent account.
Please have a look at the below Support Article for more details on how that sub-user's account can be released or deleted to give way for the setting up of the new TOTAL subscription.