I find website confusing to navigate ?.


F-secure's website has a clean and modern look. It seems like it should be easy to find what I want, but I seem to continue to have a hard time finding what I want. I cant' really describe what the problems are, but two areas come to mind.

The business and home sections seem to be intermixed in a confusing manner. 

The sample submission is confusing as well. The file, url, and browsing sections should be combined. Aren't you using the same database and hueristics for all of them? 

When I submit something I don't have an option of "I don't know what it is, but it looks suspicious" and is "malware" really differnt from "spyware" ? 

When I submit a URL I don't get any feedback or tracking. 

How do I submit a suspicious e-mail that has questionable links? Do I submit the url's? Do I save the email as a file and submit that? If it has an attachment do I submit that and any links seprately?

I have submitted stuff that has to have been phishing emails in the past and they all show as green ok sites in sample analysis. Some I know were labeled as bad by some of your competitors.



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  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    I am only an F-Secure user. Just as my own feelings about raised points.

    The sample submission is confusing as well. The file, url, and browsing sections should be combined. 

    If this is about: Submit a sample | F-Secure (f-secure.com)

    What exactly or how should be combined in your opinion? I mean, why current view is wrong?

    Aren't you using the same database and hueristics for all of them? 

    I am not quite sure that understood the main concern about this point with connection to "sample submission".

    When I submit something I don't have an option of "I don't know what it is, but it looks suspicious" and is "malware" really differnt from "spyware" ? 

    So, if you tried to use checkbox "I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results".

    Then there should be "Sample type" with four options. All of them are about "intention" of your action.

    Harmful file is not detected (so, you suspect that something wrong with file), Harmless file is detected [False Positive] (so, you suspect that all is fine with detected item), Potentially Unwanted Application (or you are sure that it is not really harmful; or it is clear for you that file is PUA), Stalkeware (perhaps, only clear to those who want to choose it).

    Anyway, both these terms are explained after "box" with these options.

    Malware - This is malicious software, such as a trojan, worm or virus. It may also be a program or file that has been altered by malware.

    False Positive (FP) - This is a program that was incorrectly classified as Infected, Malicious or Suspicious. For more details, see the False Positive Threat Description.

    Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) - This is a program that has undesirable, unwanted or risky behaviors or aspects, but does not meet the stricter definition of malware.

    Stalkerware - This is a program that facilitates spying and monitoring without consent by hiding that they are installed, hiding their activity, and/or using a different name on affected devices after installation. 

    And, perhaps, malware indeed is different from spyware. At least with cases of "spy" intention instead of harm or malicious acting.

    Terminology | F-Secure (f-secure.com) (malware)

    Terminology | F-Secure (f-secure.com) (spyware)

    Classification Guide | F-Secure (f-secure.com) (general)

    There is also guide/policy what F-Secure can to threat as a PUA: Classification Guide | F-Secure (f-secure.com)

    When I submit a URL I don't get any feedback or tracking. 

    You should probably. There is a KB article about: How can I submit samples to F-Secure? - F-Secure Community (f-secure.com)

    Did you use checkbox "I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results". And was given email valid?

    How do I submit a suspicious e-mail that has questionable links? Do I submit the url's? Do I save the email as a file and submit that? If it has an attachment do I submit that and any links separately?

    There were some discussions before:

    Perhaps, if your concern is "block / rate questionable URLs" as suspicious or harmful - then to use URL sample form. You can also to transfer some URLs as a text-file with them under FILE sample form.

    If your concern is about rate it as a spam (letter) - then, at least, home solutions are not about Spam control already. So, maybe there is no use to do so. But, you can to contact their direct Support for a clarification: Contact F-Secure support | F-Secure (f-secure.com)

    Or Business solutions support (where maybe spam control is still in use with some solutions): Support and downloads | F-Secure (f-secure.com)

    I have submitted stuff that has to have been phishing emails in the past and they all show as green ok sites in sample analysis. Some I know were labeled as bad by some of your competitors.

    Maybe you can transfer them once more. Or rating was not yet up-to-date (from F-Secure side) during you try. Or, maybe, websites are already normal.
