F-secure Safe Desktop shortcut and Icon gone missing

Hello, the F-Secure Safe desktop shortcut and Icon have gone missing from my Windows 10 PC. I checked services and Safe is running, and the program files folder is there. I am unable to find the executable file to re-create the shortcut and so am unable to run a Scan.
thanks for any help
Hi @sgpk
The desktop icon is not recreated automatically, since some users want to remove it and don't want it to come back. You can still open the main user interface from start menu entry or tray icon.
To recreate the shortcut, it should point to "C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\SAFE\fs_ui_32.exe" (assuming you have the latest version 17.6)
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi @sgpk
Windows Defender will not interfere with your F-Secure Safe.
Since you have tried to recreate the shortcut and the program is not seen on your Start Menu, may we recommend that you used reinstall the program? Before you do, kindly ensure you run pending important Windows Update.
We recommend to update Windows before installing F-Secure Safe.
1. Click start, navigate to the control panel, System and Security, Windows Update.
2. Install all important updates
3. Restart your computer when prompted
After that, kindly use the Uninstallation Tool to remove the remnant then reinstall Safe. Please click on the links to see the steps.