Fsecure block Autocad LT licensing during opening

Solution still missing. Still do same, switch off FSecure, start Autocad, switch on Fsecure.
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I tried next steps with my own experience:
-> installed F-Secure SAFE beta/technology preview (FS Protection);
-> installed trial Autocad LT2018 under Windows 10 64bit;
-> account as administrator (but launch as normal; and then with UAC-prompt 'run as administrator' too).
In general, except some internal troubles with installation and first run (Autocad was with some ?! output about mistakes?!) -> all next tries to launch - comes with normal view (and, in general, brief application start). Also, except further troubles with system after uninstalling Autocad.
But there is trial (trial-licence type for thirty days). And maybe with normal subscription there is another design of implementation.
Does with your experience -> excluding Autocad folders is not helpful indeed? AND does it possible to re-check, for example, to disable not fully F-Secure - but only part of it (for example, Browsing Protection module; then DeepGuard under UI settings) per tries. For proper understanding which module will prevent proper functionality.
Additionally, what F-Secure version in use?
Also, there is Autocad own knowledgebase articles:
- https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Software-hangs-at-checking-license.html
- https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/AutoCAD-2017-fails-to-launch-after-install.html
With your experience disabling F-Secure is helpful - but it is unclear does it DeepGuard (kind of NHIPS-module) or real-time scanning will break it (and/or, for example, own integrity check by Autocad). OR maybe it is F-Secure Browsing Protection module will restrict connection to their servers (and need to allow/whitelist certain domain).
Yes, now all tests are done. Blocking effect have only Virus Protection setting (online scan). All others functions can be switched OFF and Autocad licensed process is anyway blocked. If all others functions are ON and I switch off Virus Protection, the Autocad licensing process continue immideately.
Sad that I know this only now, I did full reinstallation to my PC, becauce I belived that problem is with Windows 10 Pro, 64Bit system.
And next ....?
Sounds that excluding certain Autocad folders/files should be helpful.
But certain steps are based on version of F-Secure solution.
In general, you have to try something like:
-> Open F-Secure UI and choose "Settings" -- then to locate any links/places where available "Exclusion list" and then add certain Autocad folders. Help-Example for latest F-Secure SAFE.
With my own feelings -> it is unclear what is reason (which file/folder or what kind of impact) - but maybe it should be clear for F-Secure Support. So, potential designed steps are:
-- to create fsdiag after repeat-steps for trouble;
-- then to contact F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example) and transfer such file with description about.
Just like OWN potential workaround steps:
->> maybe good to try exclude Autocad folders under "Program Files";
->> under "ProgramData"
->> under User's profile (under "AppData" local/roaming or so).
Where possible to find folders with keyword "Autocad" (*"Autodesk" in fact... maybe).
then re-check does it helpful or not. If not -> maybe possible to create further advice to troubleshoot which folders/files are reason.
Potentially, maybe Autocad with own integrity protection or checks. And real-time scanning will interrupt it partly. If Autocad folders (as result -> files and its processes) are excluded -> F-Secure should not scan them at all.
But it is only workaround. If such situation with exclusion-steps will be helpful/useful -> anyway F-Secure have to look to it.
// also, it is partly unclear why with my experience about trial Autocad LT and technology-preview/beta of F-Secure SAFE was partly normal experience. At least, Autocad is launched and trial-licence is handled. Except that there are differences between Autocad trial and normal licences handling -> maybe something like timeout for checking licence (where F-Secure scanning will trigger kind of unexpected delay for Autocad); or maybe it is fixed with current beta F-Secure (as potential improve/tweak).
just like addition to my previous ^ reply.
there is Autocad knowledgebase article:
where listed three folders to be excluded (while there is advice for excluding certain type of files -> but probably it is not an option with current F-Secure builds; and maybe not always needed).
@Valmarwrote:yeh, not helpful and customer friendly. If untir summer simple solution missing, will dry mcafee firewall, maybe help, maybe new probles will be.
If even exclusion for Autodesk folders is not helpful. Maybe it is good to contact F-Secure Direct Support Channels (chat as example). And transfer to them fsdiag:
Or maybe it is not needed - if situation will be confirmed as known trouble.