I have successfully renewed my F-Secure SAFE subscription but the program on the computer still shows that the subscription is expiring or that the computer is not protected due to the subscription having expired already.
If your account shows that the subscription is valid, but the program is still expired, please try these steps:
- Open F-Secure SAFE on your PC
- Go to Tools
- Click Update
- Restart your computer
If the update fails, please Click here to see the steps how to uninstall F-Secure program using Uninstallation Tool (UiTool) for Windows.
Once the previous installation has been removed, re-install F-Secure SAFE on your computer by following the steps below:
Note: Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported by Microsoft and F-Secure.
Re-installation F-Secure SAFE
- Log into your My F-Secure account:
- Click Add device
- Choose "My Device or My child's Device".
- Choose device type (the system recognizes your device type by default)
- Click on "Download for Windows.
- Once download completed, click on the download F-Secure Safe Network installer
- When the installer launches, click Continue
- Click on Accept and Install to run the installation
- When the GUI shows the text "Your computer is protected" the installation is complete
Note: If you are unable to access the account or forgot your password, click on the "Forgot Password" option and type in your email address for a reset link to be sent.
Note: If you are reinstalling, you will see your list of devices. Select the device name that you wish to reinstall and click "Release License". A page will appear to confirm the action. Click on "Release License". This will release the license so that it can be used again.
If the steps provided do not help, please contact Customer Support.
Article no: 000004042