If for example F-Secure Internet Security is malfunctioning, you may be able to rectify the issue by simply reinstalling the product.
How to uninstall a program from Windows
Follow the steps below in order to uninstall the program from your device:
Important: Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported by Microsoft and F-Secure. Therefore, the steps below is not applicable to Windows XP or Vista computers.
You can re-install F-Secure SAFE without uninstalling the old version.
- Log into your My F-Secure account:
- If you are unable to access the account or forgot your password, click on the Forgot Password option and type in your email address for a reset link to be sent.
- Select the device name that you wish to reinstall and click Release License.
- A page will appear to confirm the action. Click on Release License. The license is now removed.
- Click + Add device.
- Choose My device, My child's Device or Someone else's device
- Select the device type (the system recognizes your device type by default) and click on Download for Windows.
- Once the download is completed, run the F-Secure Safe Network installer.
- When the installer launches, click Accept and Install
The installation will uninstall the previous version/installation an will require a restart. The process usually takes a few minutes or so, and once installed, your computer is protected.
If you are not able to reinstall:
If you are experiencing issues with the reinstallation, you may need to use the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool to remove the problematic installation. Follow the steps in the link below:
Once done, repeat steps 1-8 as indicated above.
Article no: 000001141