Community Badges
Dear esteemed members, We’re excited to announce that you can now earn Badges when you participate in the Community and these contributions can reflect on your profile for you and others to see. To view them, simply click on your Avatar in the top right corner, then click on the bigger image of the Avatar. This will lead…
Get on board. Get recognition. Get on the Leaderboard!
This is to inform you that the Leaderboard widget, a widget that displays top-performing members, has been enabled on the Community. You can view that on the landing page or on either the English and Finnish pages https://community.f-secure.com/ or https://community.f-secure.com/en https://community.f-secure.com/fi The…
Category Following & Notifications
Dear Community members, The Category Following and Notification features allow you to be notified when content you are interested in is posted. Now you can get notified on time so you can respond to posts in a timely manner. Notification Preferences Options Follow: This option will allow you to follow the category without…