Freedome not allowing Netflix access to Canada

There seems to be a new Netflix blocking technique. On some devices such as iPad the connection to Canada works well, but with Windows 10 device although the VPN is on and pointing to Canada I get the following error message:
'Whoops, something went wrong... Internet connection problem. An Internet or home network connection problem is preventing playback. Please check your Internet connection and try again. If the problem persists , please call Netflix Customer Support at 1-888-811-9842.
Error code: M7031-1105
According to some sources this is due to a different way how Netflix works - Netflix is using IP requests instead of domain name system requests. Is there any fix for the above mentioned problem?
PM sent to you @blinkeye420
Netflix has started to block VPN users, including our F-Secure Freedome customers. We have limited possibilities to prevent external 3rd party from blocking us. There are multiple ways how such blocking can be done. For instance, should someone want to block connections coming from our network addresses in their firewall, they are completely free to do so, and they do not need our permission to do that.
We expect customers to respect the terms of third-party services that they access via our services. The Terms of Service for F-Secure Freedome can be found here:
You could also contact Netflix to change their VPN blocking policy.
Reference to Netflix Help in regards to VPN blocking is available here: Freedome application provides a safe and private access to the Internet, regardless where you connect from. It protects against “man-in-the-middle” attacks and securely encrypts your connection. Freedome also blocks trackers, prevents access to malicious web sites and gives you the ability to select virtual locations around the world.
As users start using more public WiFi networks, they are more open to attacks. We want to protect our users by providing a solution to secure these connections. A Wifi network may be easily hacked and may provide access to hackers to steal your data and snoop what you're doing online. With Freedome, you are protected from these scenarios. -
Hi Laksh,
I am experiencing the same problem. Have you been able to find a solution?! Please sent me a PM.
When trying to play Netflix content from other countries I am receiving this message on my Windows 10 and Android device when using Freedome:
'Whoops, something went wrong... Internet connection problem. An Internet or home network connection problem is preventing playback. Please check your Internet connection and try again. If the problem persists , please callNetflix Customer Support at 1-888-811-9842.
Can you please advise a solution.
the bad message of this situation is that:
if Netflix or any other service can identify FREEDOME and/or FREDOME users and assign special actions based on this identification it meens that
FREEDOME is not as free and as anonymous as the advertizement implies it to be !
If you have to start making choices, either to use (Netflix / service A / service B ...) or FREEDOME then the whole FREDOME idea is geting less and less atractive