add a vpn location of india

wha Posts: 11 Observer

I request to add india vpn location into f-secure total app,meanwhile,I wonder when india server will be added?

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  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    please engineer responds to me rapidly in a hour!

  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    I expect that india server comes!

  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    seek for anyone reponding to me and gotten any related news

  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    Is someone there?

  • Hello @wha

    Thank you very much for your feature request. Your request is very important to us, especially to the R&D department. We can assure you that the option of launching a VPN location in India has been under consideration for some time.

    Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide a timeline as to when this will be possible. As soon as there are some concrete dates we will be happy to share this information publicly.

    Thanks again for your posts. They will have an impact on setting our priorities in the development of our program.

    Best regards.


  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    so far,can f-secure engineer and team supply me a exact time frame about india vpn location to be added?please respond to me apace since waiting made me worn out!

  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    so far,can f-secure engineer and team supply me a exact time frame about india vpn location to be added?please respond to me apace since waiting made me worn out!

  • wha
    wha Posts: 11 Observer

    please respond to me apace

  • Hello @wha

    Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a specific date for the launch of the India location in our VPN. This has to do not only with technical issues but also with legal considerations. Therefore, despite our sincere intentions, setting a specific date is not possible.

    Best regards.
