FS Protection PC releases

Ville Posts: 722 F-Secure Product Expert

We are trying something new. Instead of creating a new thread for every version, we will keep posting all beta releases for Windows under this thread as a continuous thread.


F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • Ivan_Osipov
    Ivan_Osipov Posts: 80 Former F-Secure Employee

    having this "triangle" issue again. Could you please check customizations?


  • dukavi
    dukavi Posts: 125 F-Secure Product Expert

    Thanks for report! This issue will be fixed at next customization package update.

  • dukavi
    dukavi Posts: 125 F-Secure Product Expert

    In 19.6 beta 1 release we introduced new feature: automatic consent management.

    It rejects consent dialogs at websites automatically.

    Please, give us a feedback on this feature!

  • Ivan_Osipov
    Ivan_Osipov Posts: 80 Former F-Secure Employee


    I use fs protection in English, however, the shopping protection window pops up in Russian (the language of my OS, maybe this is the reason).

    Same with the block pages. The banking protection pop up is in English, though.

    As far as I recall, I used to have fs protection in Russian before (and then reinstalled it in English for some reason). Anyway, it may not look like an expected behavior, could you please check?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,671 Superuser
    edited July 28


    In 19.6 beta 1 release we introduced new feature: automatic consent management.

    It rejects consent dialogs at websites automatically.

    Please, give us a feedback on this feature!

    Most likely, I either had no experience with this feature, or I didn’t come across any suitable websites.

    But I would like to add this kind of feedback - for some reason, when I read the description and name of this feature in the UI settings, I thought that it was about “accepting cookies, giving consent” (and thought "strange a bit, but…"), but from your message - I understand that it should be “rejecting cookies, opt-out" (what was not obvious to me when I read it in the settings)?


    // some days later, the wording became more pretty.

    // another concern, 28.07.2024:

    I don't use Privacy VPN very actively and often, but nevertheless, sometimes I try it with general test purposes ​​and as a try to understand whether there is a difference in the content provided depending on the location.

    As a result, I had some statistics (traffic protected) and a selected location (I think the last one was UK (GB) and it turned on when the button was pressed). However, I found just recently some points; which I now think are probably related.

    I initially discovered that the VPN exceptions had been erased. In my list these were two fsdiags (from ID Protection and from fs protection) at the time. Then I left only fsdiag from fs protection and it became "invalid" after upgrading to the 64-bit version. I decided to leave it as is. That is, it was listed (32bit fsdiag) in the list, but already “deleted” (which the UI naturally notified). However, I found that list is empty now. Perhaps, I didn't do it.

    Then by a random look I discovered that the Privacy VPN stats counter had been reset. As if starting over again. And displays only my last recent attempt to use Privacy VPN.

    And this last attempt was 'unexpectedly' turned on with Helsinki location (as nearest and 'default' location). Because my expectations were either UK (GB) or Holland; as the last one in use..

    Furthermore, I found that in Privacy VPN Settings - Killswitch is in 'OFF' state. I'm not sure that was the case.

    So, is there any reason for such changes?

    • killswitch from 'on' to 'off' state;
    • chosen location from the last one in use to nearest/default one;
    • statistics (traffic protected) reset;
    • exclusion list empty state (although was not exactly like this);

    Perhaps, not a real trouble. But can be unexpected surprise for some cases.

    as a sidenote, maybe scheduled scan also switched from 'on' to 'off' state (I did not remember if I try to disable it)


  • dukavi
    dukavi Posts: 125 F-Secure Product Expert

    19.6 Beta 2 has been canceled and Beta 3 has been released today.

    Release 19.6 beta 3 (5.7.868)


    • Secure Browsing feature has been renamed to Scam Protection
    • Scam Protection view's tools have been replaced with left side navigation list
    • Scam Protection view's descriptive content is shown in new middle container with enabled status
    • Scam Protection's browser extensions now have their own middle content with installed status
    • Device Protection and Scam Protection have new on-boarding introduction page
    • Windows Firewall settings was removed from Device Protection feature view's side navigation making if less cluttered

    Bug fixes:

    • Vault scrollbar not visible in dark mode (PBL-12875)
    • Incorrect warning if extension is removed (PBL-13000)
    • Inconsistent status when features disabled (PBL-12902, PBL-13037)
    • Device protection is displayed as enabled when subscription is expired (PBL-13040)
    • Statistics card layout broken (PBL-13038)
    • "Learn more" link on platform EOL warning does not work (PBL-12964)
    • Small card needs accessibility narrator support (PBL-13091)

  • TVC15
    TVC15 Posts: 50 Active Engager
    edited August 12

    Hello :)

    Just a little feedback on this one. Since F-Secure doesn't include a Firewall, some may miss, including myself, this quick link to open up those settings, without having to go through a Windows search/Windows Security etc. I also think the length of the text on the left, "lines up" with the Protection overview box nicely, and doesn't look cluttered. Just my thoughts. Thank you :)

    Windows Firewall settings was removed from Device Protection feature view's side navigation making if less cluttered

    F-Secure Total v19.6 on 4 Windows PC's and Android. Also, using the free version of Glasswire, just to monitor any apps. 1st outbound connection.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,671 Superuser


    A bit about the UI too. Since its redesign, I am a little struggling how to feel about each elements. To a greater extent, I'm talking about the insides of the cards (Device Protection, now Scam Protection; and the rest with the same design). In particular these are the following things:

    • leftside menu and basic background of the screen can probably be called 'pink-ish'. So, when you hover any item in (leftside) menu, color around this item changed to something that could be called maybe a very-very lightblue. This makes it recognizable, "marked" and so on, but it doesn't look very contrasting at all. for my device and me - it's not even so visible that it was chosen. // perhaps, exactly this a very-very lightblue is also used for the hovered card in Main UI, where it makes more 'contrast' vibe anyhow (maybe the size of card, or containing a button and deep blue graphics, or switching from lighter color).

    perhaps because of the first thing, the second is also more unclear:

    • another thing is that all the items in leftside menu with an 'arrow' pointer cursor. Both for top-side objects (opening in-currentUI screens) and for items below 'horizontal rule' (opening out-currentUI things). Shouldn't there be a 'hand' pointer cursor for the latter? But still keeping 'arrow' for the top-side items (Device Protection and Scam Protection, both, with two top side items in leftside menu) or will it confuse users. Because: opening F-Secure SAS webpage (is external website), opening Allowed/Denied websites (is another UI window/screen/dialog), opening Settings (is another UI window/screen/place); All in all, none of them are buttons. I would expect, maybe, a 'hand' pointer cursor for such cases (or any other more-than-now obvious indicators of 'external' step).

    // only applied to my device, screen and system settings (I do use default light / white / day theme). Also, Windows 10. Maybe the second thing design is dictated by something from Windows 11 style and guides.

    // other parts of the current fs protection UI with different 'thoughts' on this subject.


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 722 F-Secure Product Expert


    Thanks for the feedback. I made a bug ticket about the background color of hover. Regarding the mouse cursor, I checked how Windows handles it and they don't have consistent handling but looks like they are more using arrow than hand for navigation list buttons. So we will follow that.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Late
    Late Posts: 11 F-Secure Employee

    Release 19.6 beta 4 (5.7.1080)


    • Consent manager statistics and status in main UI

    Bug fixes:

    • UI not readable when changing high contrast themes (PBL-11145)

  • Dakotapilcher
    Dakotapilcher Posts: 1 New Member

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the UI! I can see how the redesign could cause some mixed feelings, especially with elements like the color scheme and cursor behavior.

    Regarding the leftside menu, I agree that the color shift when hovering over items could benefit from more contrast. The very light blue you're describing might not stand out enough, particularly against a pinkish background. If it's not clear when an item is selected, that could impact usability, especially for those with certain screen settings or vision preferences.

    The point about the cursor type is interesting. I see where you're coming from with wanting a 'hand' pointer for items that open external links or new windows, as it would help differentiate them from the in-UI items. It seems like a subtle but important cue that could make navigation feel more intuitive. Perhaps keeping the 'arrow' pointer for in-UI actions while using the 'hand' pointer for anything that leads to an external step would create a clearer visual distinction.

    As for the overall design, it’s possible that the UI might be following more recent guidelines, like those from Windows 11, which might not align perfectly with your current setup on Windows 10. Sometimes these design shifts can feel a bit disconnected, especially when using a different system theme or screen settings. It might help to provide feedback directly to the developers, as they could offer insights or even consider adjustments based on user feedback like yours.

    It’ll be interesting to see if these design choices evolve in future updates. Thanks again for the detailed observations!

  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 68 F-Secure Employee

    Release 19.6 beta 5 (5.7.1204)


    • UI fonts adjusted for better consistency (PBL-13249)

    Bug fixes:

    • Visibility of “hover” effects on UI lists improved (PBL-13162)

  • FS_To1
    FS_To1 Posts: 2 F-Secure Employee

    Release 19.7 beta 1 (5.8.171)

    New features:

    • Native ARM64 support. The product now installs to Windows on ARM64.


    • Settings UI visual style changes
    • VPN UI visual style changes

    Bug fixes:

    • VPN service is started if it wasn’t started by Windows (PBL-13276)
    • Settings UI rendering incorrectly on arm64 (PBL-13247)

    Dropped features:

    • 32-bit support removed. Existing 32-bit installations keep working until May 2025, but it’s no longer possible to install on 32-bit Windows.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 722 F-Secure Product Expert
    edited September 23

    Release 19.7 beta 2 (5.8.502)

    Bug fixes:

    • Updating protection not consistent between dashboard and Device Protection view (PBL-13408)
    • VPN location flags not always visible (PBL-13416)
    • Trusted networks rendering issue in dark mode (PBL-13405)
    • Multiple dark mode rendering issues in Settings UI (PBL-13347, PBL-13370, PBL-13353)
    • Main user interface crash when system clock is adjusted (PBL-13348)
    • Statistics texts truncated (PBL-13369)


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 722 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 19.8 beta 1 (5.9.401)

    New features:

    • VPN trusted networks dialog UI improvements

    Bug fixes:

    • People and devices cards have truncated texts (PBL-13412)


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • dukavi
    dukavi Posts: 125 F-Secure Product Expert
    edited October 14

    Release 19.8 beta 2 (5.9.522)


    • VPN feature name changed from "Privacy VPN" to "VPN"
    • Improvements for buttons in high-contrast mode
    • Settings UI improvements