Why does F-Secure version 19.4 scheduled scanning no longer work? It worked one time, but not again.


It worked the first time after upgrade 1o 19.4, but not again. There are no error messages and manual scanning works just fine.

Accepted Answer

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 680 F-Secure Product Expert
    Answer ✓

    Users were not supposed to receive update to 64-bit version until 19.5. However, some users that installed 19.4 before first maintenance release was released got the 64-bit migration ahead of time. This migration did not work as intended and left fsscan.exe to be 32-bit binary while the rest of the product updated to 64-bit binaries. This causes the scheduled scan to fail all the time.

    We will prepare a second maintenance release that fixes this issue and it will also migrate anyone already in 19.4 to 64-bit version. ETA for maintenance release is next week. If you can't wait that long, uninstalling and reinstalling the product will make all binaries 64-bit and schedule scan working.

    Please note that the "Monthly" scanning bug where scanning is running too often will not be fixed until 19.5 release.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 484 Rock Star

    Your problem will be solved in the next version of F-Secure Total to be published ,19.5

    "Scheduled scanning has been changed to say "Monthly" instead of "Every 4 weeks" and it now runs on first instance of the day in the month. This also fixes a bug where scheduled scan could run too often. (PBL-12596)"

  • Cliff22
    Cliff22 Posts: 3 Observer

    Thank you for the information.

  • CarolinaC
    CarolinaC Posts: 96 Moderator

    Hello @Cliff22 ,

    thank you for your post here on F-Secure Community Portal.

    I wanted to follow up regarding the issue you encountered with the scheduled scan. As described in the post attached above, this issue has been resolved with the release of version 19.5.

    Could you please confirm if you have noticed the update to version 19.5 within the program? Additionally, I'd like to inquire if the scheduled scan has been functioning properly since the update. Your feedback will help us ensure that everything is running smoothly on your end.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards!

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 484 Rock Star

    I think that in order to get version 19.5 Beta 1 and co. correction, one should be member of the FS Protection 19.5 test group.F-Secure Total & Vpn version 19.5 has not been officially published yet or am i missing something ?

  • Cliff22
    Cliff22 Posts: 3 Observer

    The program is still on version 19.4, and scheduled scanning is not functioning. Manual scans still work fine. Can you tell me how to obtain version 19.5?


  • siramic
    siramic Posts: 116 Adventurer
    edited May 9

    19.5 is still in the beta stage and as @JOnes implied, hasn't been released to the public yet. There will be a notification when the beta testing has been finished, and usually when it's announced, we're able to update to that version manually by right clicking the system tray icon (Windows PC) or letting the app update itself.

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