FS Protection PC Release 222

fs-seppo Posts: 25 F-Secure Employee

F-Secure One Client SAFE 4.00.4392


New Features:

  • Subscription reminders re-introduced
  • Recent events now has a "Clear all" button

Fixed Issues:

  • Support tool does not terminate cleanly (PBL-3985)
  • Product expired while setting up (PBL-3948)
  • Latest settings not always taken into use in product update (PBL-3933)
  • Inconsistent protection status when protection turned on with OAS disabled (PBL-3981)
  • Banking protection breaking payment (PBL-3977)
  • Cannot enable protection from control panel (PBL-3975)
  • Windows security center connection broken (PBL-3967)
  • Toast notification for device lock is grammatically wrong (PBL-3959)
  • Family rules help incorrect product string (PBL-3943)
  • Broken localization for settings in marketing messages (PBL-3929)
  • Protection status incorrect whilst installing (PBL-3819)
  • App and file control descriptions incomplete and misleading (PBL-3252)
  • "View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)


F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks for letting us know.

    For me the upgrade went smooth. That is Windows messedthe sytem and I had to refresh it and to reinstall everything including FS TP.


    When you say

    "View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)

    Do you mean My FS Protection  in the below image or am I missing something?


    When I log in I see


    and there is I can see the subscription details.


    When you say

    Banking protection breaking payment (PBL-3977)

    Is that what happens when I I am on TUINordic web page and purchase extrast and try to enter MC payment on my banks page and I get errors like Session cookie does not exist and such like.

    Could not try that after the update as I had nothing to purchase.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply (I'm only an F-Secure user; and it is only my own unofficial feelings).

    When you say
    "View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)
    Do you mean My FS Protection  in the below image or am I missing something?

    I think that "no" -> it is not about your screenshot; but about Main UI (?)-symbol. If we do choose (?) - there is menu with some entries (where also can be "View my subscription").


    But it was not visible already with TP221 probably (?) and maybe such fix is about some internal builds with redesign for such point.


    But your second ask is likely about your description. Good to receive official explanation (otherwise - maybe possible to create report about your situation as potential improvement for recent referer-feature).



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    If this is the main menu

    q_menu.JPGthe ? seems to be on the right and the menu that opens from it does not show Subscription in mine.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @martink wrote:

    If this is the main menu

    the ? seems to be on the right and the menu that opens from it does not show Subscription in mine.

    Yes, this one.


    •"View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)

    is about "such menu does not show 'View my subscription'-string anymore". It is valid for my experience too (TP222) and probably was valid for TP221 (already) as example. With some of previous TPs (after switch to OneClient-design) -> likely that string was visible. 


    But it is only my own unofficial suggestion about "what means such fix". So, maybe such fix is about something else (as internal build or another design of Main UI ability to show subscription).


    Probably, such ability was (is) only about F-Secure Internet Security (as ability to check 'subscription/licence'-code or to open certain page or place with such information) and unused with F-Secure SAFE (FS Protection).



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star


    Actually it says Issues Fixed

    "View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)


    It does not say how eg no longer visible or now visible or something else.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @martink wrote:


    Actually it says Issues Fixed

    "View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)


    It does not say how eg no longer visible or now visible or something else.

    ""View my subscription" -link is left on main UI (PBL-2618)" as name of trouble.


    I think that "left" (there) is used as "remained". So, potential fix for remained string is 'remove' it from Main UI (?! even if it is part of (?)-symbol's menu).

    And if so -> name of 'fix' is not about "fix activities" - but about state that 'such trouble' is fixed.



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 754 F-Secure Product Expert

    Yes, @Ukko got it correctly. The wording was very bad as you could interpret it meaning left/right instead of remained. We used to have separate subscription details page in the client and there was a link from the (?) entry to it. That has been removed since the whole page was removed.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ville.

    So if you step out of the box then there will be other options.

    Now there is no doubt left for what was fixed.

This discussion has been closed.