Forgot/lost your security code? Read this.

Hi All,

if you have lost the security code for your mobile phone, kindly open a support ticket here:



 Lost security code cases have to be handled outside of the F-Secure Community.



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  • pusaqall
    pusaqall Posts: 34 Observer

    Thanks for this reminder. It really helped me a lot and also saved a lot of my time.

  • jho
    jho Posts: 2 Observer

    Dear sir/madam,

    The subject below is related to the subject above its about requesting to rest my mobile security code for F secure anti theft application because i forgot my mobile security code for my nokia N8 thus resulting it for blocking the screen of my cellphone..and because of that it cause damages and inconvenience on my part coz i cant read all the messsages sent to me..i cant even acccess the menu of my cellphone,messages as well as the dialler coz the anti theft application is blocking on the whenever there is a new messages  i cant open it nor read please have it reset so that i can use my cellphone again...

    Number: 1-499747291
    Created: 2012-03-22 05:20:04 PM
    Subject: requesting for reset on my nokia N8 because of F secure mobile security code that i have forgotten

    Hoping to have my cellphone back anytime today...

    Thank you very much

    Mary Jo R. Monte, R.N.


    Edit: Please do not publish your personal information here.

  • Hi jho,


    We are investigating your support request. Our support will contact you as soon as possible.

  • jho
    jho Posts: 2 Observer



    My sincerest thank you for responding immediately to my request...My nokia n8 is now working again....Thank you very much for granting my request...More power to all of you!!!


    Mary R. Monte, R.N.

  • sunila
    sunila Posts: 2 Observer


    i am anoop

    my n8 anti theft code forgetted

    how solve

    pls help me

    i am hearing impaired

  • tefarojas
    tefarojas Posts: 1

    hello please can you tell me what to do ? i have a problem with the anti-theft on my nokia n8, i forgot the password , i contacted the technical support they told me to do thisbut that didn´t work

    please help me i want my phone back! Smiley Sad

    1) Borrow either your friend/family mobile phone.
    2) Type this code carefully into the SMS:
    3) Send it to your locked mobile phone.

    4) Follow the on-screen instructions accordingly.


  • i have forget the security code of my Nokia E5 please let me know how i can reset the security code as its written in mobile help option that send following mesage (#unlock#)on your device bute i couldn't understand that how i will send it on my device as i typed this message from my given trusted number but did't get back please solve my problem as i want to chage the sim. Looking forward to hear you soon



  • suntattood
    suntattood Posts: 6 Observer

    You can contact F-Secure to help you with your forgotten or lost password. image

  • Hi raman,

    Kindly refer to AniaC's post to contact Support, reset security code cases have to be handled outside of the F-Secure Community.


    Best Regards,

  • vedham
    vedham Posts: 3

    Hi,What is your mobile brand and model? If it is Nokia DCT or alcatel old phones,you can get the free master reset code form the site  and reset your phone.

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