Multi-Platform - (IOS / OS X) Can't find subscription key, isn't in app store... Awkward.

wintermute-vpn Posts: 4 New Member



I have used your product for two years and I like and value it. However whenever I renew my subscription is is painful and I have to jumop through a rigmarole to retrieve it. I have it successfully on my IOS device but I have no record and no obvious way to find my subscription key. Why isn't it simply available to me under my app store account?


Or why can't I login to my F Secure and retrieve it? It is frustrating and there isn't even an 'e-mail' me my code option.


Please can you help make this easy otherwise I'll just have to cancel.


  • Hi wintermute-vpn,


    May I know if you renewed your subscription in the app store from your iOS device? If you have renewed it from the F-Secure website directly, you would have received an email with the license details.


    You can also check this KB article to know more about the Freedome multi-device and app store subscription options.

  • wintermute-vpn
    wintermute-vpn Posts: 4 New Member

    I still have not received the help I need. 


    > bought via iOS app store

    > works on my iPhone

    > no means to get the code for my desktop


    where is the code please? Make it easier for your users or they will cancel.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @wintermute-vpn wrote:

    I still have not received the help I need. 


    > bought via iOS app store

    > works on my iPhone

    > no means to get the code for my desktop


    where is the code please? Make it easier for your users or they will cancel.




    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions);


    But based on your words and description from previously provided Knowledgebase-article; Maybe your experience about "App store subscription"-type (except potential point that your experience about F-Secure Total /SAFE+Freedome solutions/ where can be an option to login under My F-Secure Account portal)?


    App store subscriptions
    Freedome in-app purchases allow you to subscribe to various services via the app stores. App store subscriptions are limited to one operating system, but are valid on all your devices connected to the same user account, for example your Google Play account or Apple ID. The app stores give you flexibility in changing your subscription options, for example between either fixed-term or auto-renewable. 
    To cover both iOS and Android, you need to make separate subscriptions in the respective app stores. The pricing of the app store subscriptions is optimized for use on a single platform.


    And this is different subscription (compare to Multi-platform, multi-device subscriptions);


    Article also with words about potential 'transfer' (probably with meanings that required to purchase certain 'multiplatform subscription' under official F-Secure website or so);

    Upgrading to a multi-platform subscription 
    If you have a valid, auto-renewable app store subscription and want to upgrade to a multi-platform subscription, read the following app store-specific instructions on how to cancel a subscription:
    • Apple App Store • Google Play Store Even though the subscription is cancelled, the auto-renewable subscription remains valid until the end of the original subscription period. Once the subscription expires, Freedome notifies you, and you can enter your personal subscription code that you received from the F-Secure eStore provider.


    With other meanings -> maybe possible to contact direct F-Secure Support Channel (when available):

    since they able to re-check information concerned license/subscription directly;


    And as I able to understand: with "app subscription' there should be only 'related Apple ID" under device;; with 'multiplatform subscription' activation key should be visible under related mail-letters;



  • wintermute-vpn
    wintermute-vpn Posts: 4 New Member

    Right, this response is a really good way to have me cancel and cease using your service. Which is what I will do.


    You need to offer much better account and subscription management and you have just lost me as a customer...

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @wintermute-vpn wrote:

    Right, this response is a really good way to have me cancel and cease using your service. Which is what I will do.


    You need to offer much better account and subscription management and you have just lost me as a customer...



    Just as clarification and repeat my words from previous reply: ""Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions)""; I'm not a F-Secure staff;

    For official statement -> you have to contact direct channels or receive official response under community (this is can be with delay, but with much more result; In somewhat reasons -> I decided to create my own unofficial suggestion as potential boost step with Support-talk while it online);


    So -> you are not my customer (and I do not able to lose you or provide service for you) - because I'm also only F-Secure user (their F-Secure SAFE/Freedome/so) and Community user; And I'm not the F-Secure staff or something like that;


    And about your decision: I'm not sure - why not possible to try contact direct Support Channels (Chat/phone): (because not likely that subscription/license details can be discussed under public forum); For example, chat is available on current minute;

    And about another points: I able to feel that some management points around Freedome can be with strange view; But what about situation when user has "App store based subscription" - he just have to trigger installation under device with AppID (account?!) and ?! Freedome is active. And such 'subscription' only valid for mobile platform (?! as it possible to understand).

    And if required "multi-platform"-subscription (which was not available from first days of Freedome software) -> there is should be mail-letter with activation-key (or other documents); And as potential fix-step: F-Secure Support Channel with abilities to re-trigger letter with credentials;





  • wintermute-vpn
    wintermute-vpn Posts: 4 New Member

    Sorry good point, multi-tasking and half read. The point is this is too hard, why can’t I log into my account and simply have the string!?


    To F-Secure:

    its not easy to manage my account. I’m leaving, voting with my feet.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @wintermute-vpn wrote:

    Sorry good point, multi-tasking and half read. The point is this is too hard, why can’t I log into my account and simply have the string!?


    To F-Secure:

    its not easy to manage my account. I’m leaving, voting with my feet.

     Only as my own feelings/feedback:


    I'm not sure (this is also kind of 'strange' for me); I able to think that this is based on limitations with Freedome design (firstly launched for mobile platforms only; then added support for Windows/Mac); And all of this days -> Freedome did not provide any portal/website or account for manage subscriptions (except this meanings);

    Recently F-Secure introcuded "Total"-package/solution (F-Secure SAFE + F-Secure Freedome solutions in one subscription license); Where users with abilities to use "My F-Secure Account" (but Freedome-part also do not provide something fresh yet);


    Under topic with related meanings -> F-Secure Community Managers/Moderators created some words that they transferred such concerns to Freedome Team (but.. not clear anything else about such 'feature'); I able to think that Freedome Team maybe will create something (because it can be indeed useful and friendly); And basically F-Secure is good company with nice staff - who did a lot of work and tired to create most helpful service; For example, Community staff created quite large Knowledgebase with different articles and topics; Some of points like difference between "app store subscription" and "multiplatform subscription" for Freedome can be covered by many meanings;

    So -> will be good if your experience about F-Secure (or Freedome) will be with good feelings (later or with some days else);



    // and with less words: such trouble based on certain subscription-type - where not expected 'account' (and where not possible to login and got the activation key or so); because it can be only "App Store"-based Freedome subscription (do not required anything else than trigger installation under related account); Or multiplatform-Freedome subscription, where not available any portals/accounts - but where activation key should be provided during purchase.

  • Hi wintermute-vpn,


    @Ukko has provided almost all information of what I would have replied.


    If you have renewed Freedome using an apple app store license, it is only valid for the same OS devices (which is iOS devices) for the same user account. You can also check this article for more information.


    I was also able to find a similar issue posted by another user here. If you have purchased your Freedome license from the Apple app store, you have to cancel it in the app store as well. Please refer to this article on the Freedome subscription options and the steps on how to cancel it for the app store licenses. You can then proceed to renew your multi device subscription from our webpage.

    I'm sorry to hear about your frustation but in this case, you might want to contact Itunes Store Support to check regarding your purchase.


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