subscription extension

illyich Posts: 5 New Member
Hi Just to be sure on this. I have just renewed my subscription to freedome for 5 machines. Four of these expired today but the 5th does not expire until January. I assume I will not lose any days by waiting until then to renew same. Otherwise I could just go ahead and do that now but would I then lose the remaining 4 months of the old subscription or would the new one just be added on top of the old? Thanx


  • Hi illyich,


    This article might help you regarding how the Freedome license period works.


  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 5 New Member
    Thanks for your reply. So in other words if I wait untill January I will lose the first 4 months of the license whereas if I renew it now the end expiration date for the 5th machine will be exactly the same as the other 4. Either way I lose 4 months. Not exactly fair even if the total license price for 5 machines is more than reasonable.. What a pity I can't transfer the last 4 months of the old license onto a sixth machine.
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