Finder does not lock my device

Sorry for my reply.
Just because there is not comes any replies yet;
Based on Help/Documentation article:
Note: You need to activate device administrator permissions for the app to turn on the ability to remotely lock and wipe your device.
Sounds as -> you able to use "Sound an alarm on your device" and "Locate your device" by default;
But for "Lock your device" and "Wipe your personal data from the device" you have to configure/allow F-Secure SAFE as administrator-of-device (?!);
By ""in the fsecure safe app has active device lock and permissions"" - do you mean this point (?!); Or about something else? Based on this articles -- if you have "ON"-status for this options under F-Secure SAFE application UI - it should also means that there is "configured" SAFE as Administrator (but good to re-check maybe);
If it properly configured and anyway there trouble about "lock device" (or so) --> maybe there will be some other proper suggestions (since there can be some of potential reasons) by more experienced users;
Or you also able to try talk with F-Secure Support Channels (for proper investigation):
This is not so simple.
I don't know about programming prosess in Finder. But here is an analysis:
- in smartphone many parts
- device > many produsers and plenty of models
- OS (Android), many versions of Android
- applications, in this case F-S Safe
- SIM-card from teleoperator, in SIM functions and properties
- I think that, it is not wonder, if all together does not work always well
- the command: sending from computer to phone, not locking direct the phone