F Secure Safe new version install

skates3 Posts: 3 New Member

My F secure Safe upgraded in the back ground yesterday 26th July.  It kep asking me to restrt my PC after checking compatibility.  After restart it gives the same message, after that restart the same thing and it keeps going in that loop.  I uninstalled F secure and reinstalled but am still in the same loop.  Any ideas?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser





    Sorry for my reply;


    Except meanings that good to create fsdiag by Support Tool (and then transfer it to F-Secure Support for their investigation about stuck) --> there can be some of potential workaround-steps:


    If situation about ""you try to install F-Secure SAFE, but during installation there is stuck about "compatibility check"-step and next "restart"-prompt"";


    --> Uninstall F-Secure SAFE (if it visible under system List of installed applications);

    --> Since there not clear about "compatibility check" - does there any words about third party software before/after? Or just "compatibility check"-step switched to "restart"-prompt?

    With any of meanings - good to re-check that there is not installed some of another security software (and, at least, temporary remove it);


    --> Good to do restart system (after previous potential steps) and launch F-Secure Uninstallation Tool:



    This tool also able to remove F-Secure Freedome/Key installation too (so -> good to know subscription code or kind of backup for some of reasons); 


    --> Then launch F-Secure SAFE installation else one time and check if there will be all OK;


    If not - maybe you able to back with reply and there will be another good suggestions by some users;



  • skates3
    skates3 Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks Ukko, have started the steps to do this.

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    Out of curiosity, which operating system version is this with?


  • skates3
    skates3 Posts: 3 New Member

    Its Windows 10.  Wifes laptop is still windows 7 and has no issues.  I still have the same problem after much trying. 

  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    There has been problems with Windows10.
    Could it be synchronizing?
    You Skates3 can take contact to customer service, too.

    With greetings
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Just as addition to previous^ suggestion-reply:


    - You able to create fsdiag:



    - And it can be useful (during talk with F-Secure Support Channels):


    Because stuck about "checking compatibility" (and after F-Secure UninstallTool there is still stuck):


    --> good to re-check that you do not have any other security software (or software) as potential reason for such stuck;

    or as potential blocker (?!) something during installation;


    --> and to be sure that there is launch installer with enough rights (probably F-Secure Installation process should ask administrator permissions; as UAC-prompt);

    And (as example) - re-check that there is installed latest available Windows Updates (or something like this);  If there can be any requirements about this (but not likely); Since situation sounds like "F-Secure installation maybe detect something during compatibility check; but it hooked/prevented/blocked and ask for restart; for re-try it after restart" (or even if "Compatibility check" just did not run);


    --> maybe additionally to F-Secure Uninstallation Tool - there required manual removing some of "F-Secure folders" (under ProgramData) and maybe Registry cleaning for "F-Secure" entries; But this is probably not common design - and good to use direct Support Channels (for their investigation about reasons);


    Sorry for my reply;



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    🎖 TO UKKO! 🏆🏅

    Don't apologize your replies! They are excellent. Always!
    You know a lot of F-S:s apps. And also programs, operating systems and hardware.
    You are a kind of adp encyclopedia. When you write, readers learn.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    :) Thanks for your good words, Näsäviisas!


    But my replies not always useful; They're quite often too much large and with 'not nice' English (to be useful);

    And generally they based on my own feelings (only) and about things, which was partly interesting for me too; While expected and more helpful reply is official and more 'experienced' answer (than my);


    It's more like good dreams than something else. :)

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