F-secure last scan 42000 days ago..

JoelS Posts: 2 New Member

F-secure says the last scan has been performed 42000 days ago. Any idea how this is possible?

My pc time seems to show the correct time and year so that is not the cause.

I am worried this has an effect on my security.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    F-Secure SAFE/IS/AV for Windows (at least) show "date of last scan" only for Scheduled scans.

    Does your experience about this? Or there is Mac platform?


    If there is Windows platform -> maybe good to know - builds-number and certain F-Secure solution;

    It possible to get by "rightclick" tray-picture -> "About";


    And - do you mean that before this (recently) there was proper count?



  • JoelS
    JoelS Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi Ukko,


    Thanks for your reply.


    I am indeed using windows.


    Scheduled scans is enabled for anytime if the computer is not in use for 5 minutes.

    I have added some screenshots here on imgur for your information:



    Even with scheduled scans enabled it still gives the date count wrong.

    Another thing to add is that the day count does add one day correctly as time goes by. So If today it says 42000, tomorrow it will say 42001 days.


    Again, windows time shows correcltly.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I already not sure, but probably there was kind of "known trouble" about count of latest scheduled scan date. It was fixed with stable F-Secure SAFE, but maybe branded F-Secure SAFE (by your ISP) still with 'build' where it not fixed (?!);


    Anyway -> I able to suggest next steps:


    -- Create fsdiag by F-Secure Support Tool:


    With your situation -> it can be located under branded-name folder;


    -- Contact F-Secure Support:


    Or (?!) your ISP support channel for F-Secure SAFE;

    And with description about situation/trouble -> you able to provide fsdiag for investigation;

    Also as potential workarounds:


    --> Trigger scheduled scan; And re-check -- if count switched to "today" (or so);


    Scheduled scans is enabled for anytime if the computer is not in use for 5 minutes.

    Generally (not sure about all settings) - but it works not as "for anytime";

    Most likely after certain "time" (as fresh day, for example) and if the system was "not in use" (five minutes);

    You able temporary switch options for "launch Scheduled Scan at certain time -> hours/minutes" as certain trigger for start Scheduled scan;


    --> Probably reinstallation (or if ISP able to provide recent upgraded SAFE already) should fix this stuck too;


    But this is not really useful about "why there is wrong count/date" (like broken view); Good if there will be official response from F-Secure Team;



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    Funnily enough that 42000 days is around 115 years which substracted from current time takes you around 1902 which is pretty close to network protocol zero time. I suspect if the recorded number was literally zero integer, it would show that

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