Exceptionally slow connection speed

Since I have down loaded freedom vpn I have had an extremely slow connection. Running speed tests with the VPN I have download speeds of 3.30mbps without it download speeds are 97.42mbps I ran multiple tests in both configurations and these are the average speeds. I then tried to do the online chat to get to the bottom of it. Not one single reply from the consultant. I'm pissed and that's an understatement. Ill be seeking a refund.
Sorry for my ask;
Do you mean that even "VPN is disabled and not turned ON" (but downloaded/isntalled) - your normal network connection with troublels?
Or do you mean that there not expected that with VPN there will be "less network connection speed, than with your default-setting"?
If second one -> Of course, it should not be valid for all of VPN-settings (since there can be tweaks, ticks and tricks);
But certain F-Secure Freedome Knowledgebase with some articles about:
-> General point: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Why-does-my-Internet-connection/ta-p/81927
-> Troubleshooting point: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/What-do-I-do-if-my-network/ta-p/81428
Maybe you able try different VPN-locations - what if some of them can be with proper view for you;
If not - maybe there will be normal and good official response with workdays (or you finally reach response from F-Secure Support Channels - if by "consultant" there means this);
Also maybe there will be more good explanations, tips or advices from experienced F-Secure Freedome (or VPN) users;
Sorry for my reply.
@Joe86 wrote:I have tried all different settings and it has not made any improvements. As for changing the location that kind of defeats the purpose of it. This was advertised as a fast vpn service and it's actually just not the case.
Maybe with workdays there will be proper official response from F-Secure staff;
Since - I'm only F-Secure user and my suggestions just as 'my own' opinion;
There was also such topic: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-has-extremly-slow-speed/td-p/95670
I not sure - what if F-Secure Freedome Team did not use all available/reasonable tweaks and improvements for OpenVPN configuration (or even certain server's configuration); It will be strange;
Or there another certain trouble based on something else (their official Support channel as Chat still not useful for you?)
And sorry for ask - just interesting - but where it was promoted as
"This was advertised as a fast vpn service"
I tried to search it briefly (but ?!)
Sorry for my reply.
Hi Joe86,
Adding on to what Ukko has mentioned, please have a look at this article as well. May I know in which location do you see the slow speed? As Ukko mentioned, have you tried to change locations? Did it have any difference?