Subscription transitions

I have some questions on renewing Internet Security.
If I buy a new subscription for Internet Security, does the clock start on that day or when I install it? I assume the former is true.
My current subscription started pestering me to renew more than 40 days before expiration, which was really annoying; every single day, multiple times each day. I will wait until the last day to renew. But what would have happened if I had used the pestering GUI to renew before expiration? Would it have added the time to my existing subscription or replaced the subscription?
Currently, all of my PCs use one multiple-PC subscription. I am thinking of giving a PC to someone else. When the multiple-PC subscription expires, the new owner of the PC might buy a single-PC subscription and install it (or he might uninstall F-Secure and install something else, but that's an entirely different story). What are the rules for this? Would the single-PC subscription immediately replace the multiple-PC one, thereby making that PC an independent entity? Or would it be necessary to uninstall and then reinstall using the new activation key?
The F-Secure website no longer offers an option to buy Internet Security and morphs into a purchase for SAFE. I am only going to protect PCs and one PC needs a complete rebuild. Can I still buy Internet Security? Or can I buy a new subscription for SAFE and then install Internet Security using the new activation key and the old link?
Maybe there will be official response later; Or another replies by more experienced users. But while it not comes yet..
So, sorry for my reply and some suggestions (most likely there required clarification from official F-Secure Teams):
If I buy a new subscription for Internet Security, does the clock start on that day or when I install it? I assume the former is true.
-> With my experience "the clock" start after activation-steps for subscription under device.... but I not sure about "renewal" and certain Internet Security design on current time.
I will add some thoughts about it later.
My current subscription started pestering me to renew more than 40 days before expiration, which was really annoying; every single day, multiple times each day. I will wait until the last day to renew. But what would have happened if I had used the pestering GUI to renew before expiration? Would it have added the time to my existing subscription or replaced the subscription?
-> Since F-Secure SAFE will show renew button (as result - notification prompt also?!) with fourty five days before license expiry (or month - if retail-box) - I not sure if such situation with Internet Security is expected;
Also such prompt should be "one" per session (before restart) and maybe with delay about six hours by other triggers (or so); Maybe it redesigned already (since with my latest experience it was probably just "one prompt per day");
Generally I not sure what number of days there required to be; What will be quite enough? Week or two week before license expiry?
Anyway - if I normally remember - there was already responses that with such situation there will be just "extending"-time. Meanings: you have current subscription-license (where still available some days) -> you add fresh subscription to your current installation and it activated; As result "two subscriptions" merged in one (and days of its); But since there Internet Security (and renew-subscription) - I not sure - if there still something like that;
What are the rules for this? Would the single-PC subscription immediately replace the multiple-PC one, thereby making that PC an independent entity? Or would it be necessary to uninstall and then reinstall using the new activation key?
There was interesting and quite good response from F-Secure Team (not about your situation, but partly about design of some points):
Where "voucher" should be as "subscription" and it partly answer for your ask about "adding" single subscription under device, where already another subscription activated.
The F-Secure website no longer offers an option to buy Internet Security and morphs into a purchase for SAFE. I am only going to protect PCs and one PC needs a complete rebuild. Can I still buy Internet Security? Or can I buy a new subscription for SAFE and then install Internet Security using the new activation key and the old link?
With my experience there also such situation, when you choose button "Buy now" F-Secure Internet Security switched with kind of "promotion" to F-Secure SAFE (with "updated" home_global; and with some local websites too);
But there I can to think about next points:
--> There is ONE price for F-Secure IS and F-Secure SAFE with same number of devices/years (for example, three devices / one year);
--> F-Secure SAFE is generally F-Secure IS (with additional option to install it not only for Windows desktop); So - if you want to use it only on three Windows desktops - you able to do this with both of solutions. F-Secure SAFE will provide also some "management"-things under My F-Secure Account portal and ability to do installation for some other supported platforms (compare to F-Secure IS);
So there small difference (except point - that subscription for F-Secure SAFE not valid for F-Secure IS installation and there required uninstalling F-Secure IS and installing F-Secure SAFE for using subscription);
But if you decided to switch from F-Secure IS to F-Secure SAFE - there most likely required to do that just after "expired" your F-Secure IS subscription. Such tips also noted there:
But just because there "renew" situation.... does it possible to use "renew"-button-option under F-Secure website (basically it should be based on related links under mail-letters from F-Secure)?
Some of common URL/places can be like:
home_global example; and such page should be available under local F-Secure websites too;
It still available probably (as example, onlineshop is opened with certain F-Secure IS Renewal item);
Danmark example of renew-page (should be available for some other local websites too; en_US or sv_SE as examples); Can be valid for certain local situation;
BUT good to follow just instructions or related URLs from notification-letter about "soon expiration" - if you provided mail-address during purchase your current F-Secure IS subscription.
Sorry for my long reply! And sorry for my worst English.
You able to ignore my reply - since - most likely that there will be proper response from F-Secure Team or more experiences users; And most of my suggestions with "confirmation"-required.
Thanks for the reply, Ukko.
Your English is much better than my Finnish, though I know all of the important words: huomenta, päivä, ilta, kiitos, olut.
I should have stated that one reason I see multiple expiration warnings each day has to do with the configuration of some of my PCs. I have two PCs which use a single monitor, with access being switched back and forth. Each time I switch, I see the warning. Also, I see the warning when I switch users between root and regular-user.
Another detail I omitted is the fact that some PCs have AV and others have IS. I want to consolidate all of the licenses into one large IS one, so I cannot simply renew the coverage on all of them.I will read the many links you included.
Another detail I omitted is the fact that some PCs have AV and others have IS. I want to consolidate all of the licenses into one large IS one, so I cannot simply renew the coverage on all of them.
So... I think that most valid and good option with your situation -> "to buy" F-Secure SAFE subscription (or even F-Secure Total - if you also have points to use VPN as their F-Secure Freedome); And use it after "expiration" your current F-Secure IS (AV additionally) subscription. As clean installation under devices;
F-Secure SAFE should be with one price (as for fresh F-Secure IS subscription), but also will provide some good things.
Also... probably... my previous reply should not be the solution! At least... while there did not comes any proper confirmations from official F-Secure Teams. And maybe with some other workarounds or certain advices from them.
Sorry for my long replies.
Hi PC-Cobbler,
Just to add on to what Ukko has mentioned:
1. When you renew your IS subscription, the clock starts from the time you activate your license code in the product and not from the date of purchase. Even if you renew now, you have to add the license in the product for activating it.
2. If you are giving away your PC, you can uninstall the product so that you can use that license to another device.
3. You can also check the SAFE KB articles to know more about the product.