Weird subscription and NO SUPPORT AVAILABLE

RonInNY Posts: 7 New Member

I'm on the East Coast. Your help page with phone numbers says it is open at 9AM and all times are local. It's 9:30 on the East Coast and I get a "sorry we're closed". No chat either. This is quite sloppy. Really bad.


I have an account. The app says the sub runs to mid-August 2017 but when I log into my account here it says to the end of June 2017. 


I had the app installed on my previous Android (the app is on my computer as well). That Android is gone. I want to install it on my new Android phone...but I cannot log in. I get, no accounts available. And when I try to ask for a new pwd I get a weird error message on the phone. 


  • RonInNY
    RonInNY Posts: 7 New Member

    It's 9:20AM in NYC. Your phone list says all times are local and help is available at 9AM. Unfortunately, not. Neither is chat.  I have a subscription. It says it lasts to mid-August 2017. When I logged into my account here the info is mid-June 2017. Hmm...Do I have two accounts??? Also I need to activate Freedome on my new phone....but....when I try to log in I get a weird error message saying there are no licenses. How do I transfer my sub from one destroyed phone to my new phone? 

  • RonInNY
    RonInNY Posts: 7 New Member
    Now when I log in from the phone i get no licenses to apply.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my suggestion.


    Time to time ... 'accesibility' of support start be as trouble point (based on user's feedback under community);


    Maybe you able to re-try with using chat? With my experience (for me - it also was not possible to get) - but after ten (or so) minutes - there finally comes so called 'Support agent'; but it was not really useful. Smiley Sad




    What about your subscription information - just as my suggestion - maybe there was trial installed firstly (and your subscription just added to trial-time; so with local installation there can be 'your license time' + 'trial month'-time;  while your account show only your own license time); But there required clarification from official F-Secure Teams or Community Stuff; or direct Support channel;




    What about transferring license for Freedome - there probably also required proper response from Support/F-Secure Stuff. But as temporary check - do you able to re-check some topics with such meanings, where maybe can be some topics are valid for your situation (where already available explanation/tips/advices)?


    // later added:



    For example, such topic (with advices (and link to knowledgebase-article) and potential workaround steps - if you have iOS device):


    If your experience about Android:

    If your trouble with validation for subscription usually there anyway advices to use F-Secure Support Channels. Or maybe there can be help by Community Managers;



    Sorry for my reply. Smiley Sad


    Just as temporary suggestions.



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    Hello America!

    I noticed that you sent another mail to forum with headline: Is help available. Ukko sent an exellent answer for you. Is it ok now?

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    It's possible that there would be a queue for the Chat service, particularly after it has just opened in your local time.  I don't know how many staff they have on the Chat service at any one time, but if one customer's issue takes some time to resolve, that may also impact on waiting times.  I would try again, perhaps not at quite such a peak time, as your issues seem as though they could be sorted fairly simply, but unfortunately, it's not something we can help with on the forum, for obvious privacy and security reasons.  


    To be honest, I would rather that they reinstated the old Support Ticket system, as with that, you could at least just leave a message, and not have to sit there waiting indefinitely to engage with a person on Chat.

  • Hi RonInNY,


    Appreciate you passing on the feedback about contacting our support. I will check on this.


    Regarding your Freedome subscription activation, did you buy a multi device subscription (which is a code) to use on your devices? If yes, you can use the license code to activate Freedome on your Android. There is a KB article here which you can refer.


    Based on your description, I believe you are logging in to the account from Freedome which is related to our F-Secure Total product. May be the date you see is from the account expiry date (which is not related to your multi license subscription with Freedome).

  • Hi @RonInNY,


    Just letting you know, I asked our support team to resend you the order email for Freedome which has the subscription details (for the your Freedome purchase).


    Let us know if you are able to activate Freedome using your multi device subscription.

  • RonInNY
    RonInNY Posts: 7 New Member

    Regarding the phone and chat, there was no queue, nothing. The web page says all times are local. I'm on the East Coast, so when the page says 9AM that's 9AM EDT.  There was no help on the phone until about 10AM. AS for the Chat window, again, it should NOT have been active until someone was ready (or the chat time started). Instead, I wasted my time filling out the chat info and then getting the message chat is not available.


    As for resending the subscription email, the email SHOULD HAVE been entitled RESEND OF YOUR 2016 whatever or those should have been the first words. As it was, after encounting what to me was the poor web page handling and the nonsensical "local" times, my confidence in your staff's adminsitration was getting low. When I got that email I ASSUMED I was being recharged and had to leave what I was doing to return home and deal with it.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    RonInNY wrote:

    Regarding the phone and chat, there was no queue, nothing. The web page says all times are local. I'm on the East Coast, so when the page says 9AM that's 9AM EDT.  There was no help on the phone until about 10AM. AS for the Chat window, again, it should NOT have been active until someone was ready (or the chat time started). Instead, I wasted my time filling out the chat info and then getting the message chat is not available.


    As for resending the subscription email, the email SHOULD HAVE been entitled RESEND OF YOUR 2016 whatever or those should have been the first words. As it was, after encounting what to me was the poor web page handling and the nonsensical "local" times, my confidence in your staff's adminsitration was getting low. When I got that email I ASSUMED I was being recharged and had to leave what I was doing to return home and deal with it.




    Sorry for my reply.

    Not concerned about managing subscription, but about Support. As my feedback also.




    I did not try to use phone, but tried to use Chat (after reading your topic and before my first reply there);

    I can to add that there indeed not visible "points and understanding what we have to do".


    If there 'queue' - will be useful to place it under chat-form (something as 'notification' - which can be with some online games ?! or other things, where user able to meet queue-order); If not - maybe useful to place something as notification about usual time-waiting for get response (as it can be with IRC channels or some support forms);


    Also I expected that (since we have to provide mail-address) if there will be no available to start chat with Support Agent ---> so Support will contact us with mail-letter later (and about our 'filled' information);  And not we have to re-try start chat later. Not sure what if it work certainly like that (?!);



    With my previous experience and next support page:


    I tried with two browsers (one was with disabled cookies?! maybe - so it briefly 'give no result as chat request canceled'); With another one:

    There was "Please wait while you are connected to an available agent" with circle-loop working and time to time it switched for something as 'chat unavailable' (probably?! I do not remember - because it not repeated on current time); I did not close browser/tab - so I found that it automatically re-triggered to next try "Please wait while you are connected to an available agent" and after some 'loops' - Support Agent comes. It take some minutes (I think ten/fifteen minutes);


    TODAY - on current time - when chat probably supposed to be available - I do not able to reach chat-support-agent. Because each time after "Please wait while you are connected to an available agent" (with missing such 're-trigger' as it was noted by me and which I not able to re-check) it stable switch to "Your chat request has been canceled because no agents are available"; My tries was about twenty five minutes long (and multiple times I re-fill chat forms after 'chat request canceled');


  • Hi @RonInNY,


    Sorry for the confusion caused with the email. Since you mentioned you tried to login instead of using the subscription, I asked the support team to resend your current order email (incase you were unable to locate it to find the subscription code) so that it will be easy for you to enter the code immediately you saw my post here.


    Were you able to activate Freedome using the code in your device?

    Thanks for your feedback with the support times/chat contact. I will definitely be passing it to the support team.


    Once again, my apologies if there was any confusion. Hopefully your issue with the license activation will be resolved soon.

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