Freedome DNS leak after latest update (Windows)

So, ever since the latest update v. 1.14.3612.0 i suffer from a DNS leak?

Using i notice one of the listed  name servers belong to my ISP.

Happens no matter what location/server i select in Freedome.


 I am using Windows 10 x64 Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.138).


Anybody else got this problem?


I have not changed any network settings lately or nothing like that.


  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    I'm having it too. Ipleak-service knows my ISP though Freedome is on.

  • It looks like my DNS queries are sent to my ISP's server for resolving and the Freedome ones are not used..

    Happens only on Windows though, everything still works fine on Android.


  • Hi, 

    Could you tell us with which browser (and version) you are observing this behavior? 
    Have you tried clearing your cache and restarting the browser?

    Is this page also revealing your information?


  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    For me this happens with all browsers. And yes that test also reveals my ISP, I tested with the latest versions of Firefox 53.0, Edge, Internet Explorer and Chrome 58.0.3029.81 so I think it's not browser related. Emptying caches is also no help.

  • 64-bit versions of Firefox 53.0 and Microsoft Edge 40.15063.0.0 also lists my ISP dns server.

    And If i use the command line tool nslookup to look up an address it shows my ISP DNS server as "Default Server".

    Problem persists whether i flush the cache or not, reboot the computer or restart Freedome etc. no matter what i do.

  • Waf
    Waf Posts: 7 Observer

    I think I am having the same problem. Is this not quite serious - that Freedome does not work properly with Windows 10? I have tried enabling the "turn off smart multi-homed name resolution" setting in Windows, and while this seems to improve matters (as far as I can tell) it does not resolve the problem. (When I use I still see 11 servers listed under "DNS Addresses" - 10 of these from my ISP).


    Is there a workaround, or is this something that needs to be fixed in Freedome?

  • @Waf wrote:

    I think I am having the same problem. Is this not quite serious - that Freedome does not work properly with Windows 10? I have tried enabling the "turn off smart multi-homed name resolution" setting in Windows, and while this seems to improve matters (as far as I can tell) it does not resolve the problem. (When I use I still see 11 servers listed under "DNS Addresses" - 10 of these from my ISP).


    Is there a workaround, or is this something that needs to be fixed in Freedome?

    I also tried disabling "smart multi-homed name resolution" via group policy but it has no effect whatsoever. I have been using Freedome on Windows 10 for quite some time now, never had this problem before. I swear it started right after i updated to the latest version.


    This does have quite an effect on browsing privacy, being that currently each website name you visit ends up in your ISP DNS, just like as if you weren't using a VPN at all.

  • Could you check that the DNS is disabled for other interfaces than FreedomeVPNConnection when Freedome is connected?




    Currently we are still unable to reproduce this issue on our end. 

  • Waf
    Waf Posts: 7 Observer

    Please explain in more detail how I access the screen you want me to check. I have been unable to find it.


  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    I can get that exact same screen when I go to IPV4 properties via properties of my ethernet device. If I go to the same screen via Freedome's properties the DNS-server list is empty.

  • You can find this settings in the control panel under the network settings, select the correct network then choose "Properties".
    Under the Networking tab select "Intenet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPV4)" and again "Properties" then advanced.
    Finally check under the DNS tab.

  • Waf
    Waf Posts: 7 Observer

    When I go to "Network Connections" I see three settings:- FreedomeVPN, Local Area, and Wireless.


    Taking these in turn:-


    a) with Freedome and TCP/IPv4 the DNS box is empty, as it is with TCP/IPv6


    b) with Local Area and TCP/IPv4 the DNS box has "Freedome" but with PCP/IPv6 the DNS box is empty


    c) with Wireless, the boxes with both TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 are blank [as in a)]


    Hope this helps

  • My local ethernet adapter has "Freedome" in the DNS but FreedomeVPNConnection has empty box.


    @Waf wrote:



    c) with Wireless, the boxes with both TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 are blank [as in a)]



    That should not happen unless something is changing the value back. It should be Freedome when connected.
    @FormerMemberFreedomeVPNConnection should indeed be empty

  • Waf
    Waf Posts: 7 Observer

    So, is this a problem with my settings, or with Freedome?


    Please advise.


  • Tioz01
    Tioz01 Posts: 8 Observer

    I checked my freedome at home yesterdays and had no leaking DNS.

    Seems to be special for your environment.

  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    I'm having the problem and only page blank is FreedomeVPNConnection.

  • We would need futher logs to investigate these problems. If you have this kind of problem and have done it yet, please get in touch with our support by phone or chat.

  • @Tioz01 wrote:

    I checked my freedome at home yesterdays and had no leaking DNS.

    Seems to be special for your environment.

    Are you also using Windows 10? If so, do you have the Creators Update (v.1703) installed?


    To me there's two things that changed lately.. And i would assume this problem has something to do with them..


    1. I installed the aforementioned update to Windows
    2. Updated Freedome to latest version.




  • Tioz01
    Tioz01 Posts: 8 Observer

    yes to both.

    I used opera for my tests. I can check it again with other browser this afternoon

  • Tioz01
    Tioz01 Posts: 8 Observer

    also no Leak with Chrome. sorry

  • peppermint
    peppermint Posts: 1 New Member

    Also have the problem here. OS win10 home x64 creators update. Quite disappointing that Freedome had no failsafe for this. I am unable to find a fix so far. About 130 days left on my sub.


    I'm a fairly casual user (as in not experienced in VPN related issues), and I am willing to bet many other Freedome users do not even realize this could be happening. I chose Freedome for it's simplicity. And I really don't want to change to another provider, but the lack of official response to take this seriously, and to fix this, is rather underwhelming. If I am wrong, then please provide an update on how this is being resolved. Thank you.


    I check few times a week as a habit, and noticed the DNS leak yesterday. Today looks no different.


    Calling customer service might not be the best suggestion, as it leaves everyone else affected unknowing and compromised. And that is why I am leaving you with a post here instead.

  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    Yeah, I have no intend using Freedome until this is fixed though I think we are not getting any refunds.

  • Parham
    Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast



    the best and most secure way is that contact with F-Secure Tech Support via Chat or Phone


    they will handle it as soon as possible, in Community process may forward slower.

    and for such this cases, they have chat/phone support.

  • Hi all,


    We have now identified the problem and currently have  workarounds for those cases.


    The problem will be fixed in the next release which should be available in the coming weeks.

    In the mean time you can get in touch with our support for further instructions or receive the workarounds.

  • RTJ
    RTJ Posts: 4 New Member


    I also have DNS leak, but your chat is ofline and can't help me.


    Could you please just provide the workaround.

    Thank you.

  • Hello @RTJ

    As this is an advanced workaround, we would prefer to provide it with the guidance of one of our support agent. 
    Did you try to call us as well?

  • @Ben wrote:

    Hello all, 


    We just released Freedome 1.15 for Windows for first time installers i.e. you will need to download it
    from our pages and install on top of your current installation. 

    This version should correct the DNS-leak reported.



    Indeed it does. Thank you!

  • RTJ
    RTJ Posts: 4 New Member

    Yes. It works.


This discussion has been closed.