FeedBack/Request on F-Secure Community

i hope you all have a Great Day in F-Secure
i was thinking if we had a section in our F-Secure Community, a forum named Non-Tech conversations that could be great.
people/F-Secure users even F-Secure Staffs, will be able to open topics for example for musics for games for their memories the notable things can you imagine how it help us to be closer with F-Secure and with together? i'm Sure even Tech Guys in F-Secure like that we are not robot, Staffs in F-Secure are not robots too! so they can share their non-tech interesting with F-Secure users in this Community
and yes well F-Secure have pool have billiard table have game room i know you already have non-tech in your place, but the goal is that you can be closer find a more friendly relationship with F-Secure users.. thats matter yes? we've seen similiar topics in similiar Communities for different companies. F-Secure, me as your user( and of cours there are lots of your users who have the same opinion ) took my step, no it's your turn, you want to be more close/friend with us? take your step then
Hi Parham,
We have the Speaker's corner board which is an Off topic board for our Community users. You can have discussions about any topic in here as long as it adheres to our Community guidelines. Please have a look and feel free to initiate topics.