iOS Connection Issues

I have been having issues keeping my iOS devices connected to Freedome.
The symptoms are as follows:
- iOS device goes to sleep
- On wake - the Freedome VPN connection spins & spins - never connects
- I have to continuously change locations - even turn wifi on & off - in order to get it to connect
Recently this has been happening in the middle of browsing sessions. The VPN will cut out - dropping the device off the network altogether.
It's getting to the point where having Freedome on is very burdensome.
This has been happening both at my home network & at some, but not all, public networks. But this is only limited to iOS - macOS is fine.
I've tried resetting network settings & the setting to keep the VPN while the device sleeps - both to no avail.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Hi @Waf and @MattSoucoup,
This issue needs further troubleshooting with our support team along with the logs. I have now escalated your posts individually to our support team. One of our agents will get in touch with your via email to take the case forward.