Why are F-Secure Safe for Mac Test Results from AV-testing Labs so low?

I have both Macs and PCs that I need to protect. I have heard many times and read many reviews including those from AV-Test and AV-Comparatives who give F-Secure Safe for PC very high marks.
However when we look at the Mac version, its quite the opposite:
1.) AV-comparatives reviewied it in 2015 where it detected 100% mac malware but the detection of windows viruses was very bad. To my surprise, F-Secure for Mac was not even included in the AV-Comparatives test for the year of 2016.
2.) AV-Test results story is even worse as in Dec-2015 tests, the detection was the worst of all the products tested and in the latest tests of 2016, F-Secure for mac only detected a mere 65%.
3.) Also in the f-secure forums some people have complained that some of the PUPs (included in uTorrent for example) were not detected while they were detected by some other av product. Even though they were added to f-secure mac later but that just proves the point that F-Secure for Mac is just badly neglected when compared to the windows version.
I mean how a malware which is detected by F-Secure on VirusTotal is not detected by F-Secure for Mac?
Can some one from F-secure clarify on this as I am having second thoughts regarding F-Secure as the Mac version just proves to be a dissapointment as far as reviews and tests are concerned?
Also what all scanners are used in the F-Secure Safe Mac version?
I was just about to purchase the F-Secure Safe for all my computers but I guess I'll have to hold off until I hear from F-Secure.
Thanks .