Trying To Get Support - Dropping Connection; Cannot Reinstall; Cannot Get Support on Chat

destwd Posts: 5 New Member

Hello there forum peeps,


Problem One

I have Freedome on 4 devices, android, iOS and windows with the exception of one device I have no problems. However my Windows 10 Microsoft Surface disconnects from the Internet approximately every 20 minutes. Cycling Freedom through disconnect and reconnect fixes the problem but it's annoying especially when listening to music or watching TV. It occurs on all VPN servers and countries and does not happen when Freedome is off.


Problem Two

I have tried to get some advice about this by contacting the F-Secure chat and it just sits there with: Waiting for Technician until I get bored and close the window down. Last time I tried I waited for over an hour then I hung up. (Hmm I think that's a Bob Dylan lyric.)


Problem Three

So I decided I would reinstall the program, and luckily I came here to see if there were any issues doing that and it seems that there are. The way I understand it, if I reinstall it will use one of my licenses, and since I am already using them all a reinstall will mean I won't be able to use my VPN at all until I can get someone from support to help me with the license problem. (See Problem Two above.)


So What I Want To Know

Is there a fix for the disconnection issue? How can I get support for this issue.  If that fix involves reinstalling the program on Windows 10 how do I go about resetting the license.


Thank you in advance D.


  • Hi destwd,


    Regarding the connection issue, may I know what is the version of Freedome installed?


    Sorry to hear about the long waiting time in chat. The chat support might have been connected during a busy time, hence the waiting. You may also get support by contacting our agents via phone.


    Regarding the license question, we have the license transfer functionality in Freedome as mentioned in this article. In your case, except on the iOS device, you can initiate the license transfer functionality on all your other devices. In case if you like to reinstall Freedome to check on this issue, the license transfer can also be initiated in the Windows 10 Microsoft Surface device.


  • destwd
    destwd Posts: 5 New Member

    Hello there Laksh! Thank you for your quick response. The version I believe is Version 1.10.3502.0. Now that I know it's possible to transfer the license I'll go ahead and reinstall it and see if that helps. If not I'll come back. If in the mean time you have any suggestions regarding the connection drop let me know. The first few times it happened I ran the Internet Troubleshooter and it reported that the DNS server was not responding, which implies that the Wifi and Internet connection are working but that the DNS server is no longer responding to requests. I have read elsewhere on this forum that there are sometimes DNS issues with various VPN servers but this issues seems to be across all Freedome servers. I'll report back when I have reinstalled. Thanks again for your time and advice.



  • destwd
    destwd Posts: 5 New Member

    Hi there Laksh. I have reinstalled and transferred licenses, but I am still experiencing dropped connections. In the Network and Sharing Centre, under Access Type; Connections; I can select the FreedomeVPNConnection and choose Diagnose on the General Tab. This tells me that "Troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem" however despite this my internet connection returns for a while before dropping again after about 20 mins. Any suggestions?



  • destwd
    destwd Posts: 5 New Member

    If I continually ping a website, any website in CMD then there is no connection drop. As soon as I discontinue the ping the Internet connection drops after a short time. Pinging the website address or the website ip again in CMD fails, but then on closing the CMD prompt I have connection again!


    Elsewhere it has been suggested that this may be a Power Management issue but this is happening during active use of the PC not as a result of the PC going to sleep and I don't experience this issue when Freedome is OFF.

  • Hi destwd,


    Thanks for the detailed update. I am checking on your connection issue and will get back to you once I have an update on this.

  • destwd
    destwd Posts: 5 New Member

    Hi There,


    I still haven't resolved this issue. BUT I have been running my Microsoft Surface without the Microsoft Dock for a few days, i.e. using wifi rather than wired ethernet and I have had no problems with Freedome dropping the connection. This suggests that it is either a Microsoft Dock issue rather than a Freedome problem or that the combination of Microsoft Dock AND Freedome together are causing the problem. I'm going to run without Freedome for a few days and see if I have any problems using the Microsoft Dock. If I do, then we can narrow down the problem and effectively close this thread. If I don't then at least we have more information to work with.



  • Appreciate your feedback, @destwd! I checked with the product team and they are also suspecting if it is something in the network which is causing this. Please keep us posted on your finding so that we can move in the right direction for further troubleshooting.

This discussion has been closed.