Cannot install F-Secure Browsing Addon in Chrome 53!

Phyto Posts: 13 Observer

I dont`t get corrupted massages, like i have seen posts here before.

The Browsing Safty program said that it was not installed correctly, and i was not able to install it on the browser, even manually. When installing manually by dragging it to the chrome browser, it said that this website cannot install the plugin. No matter what i do, i cannot install the plugin! Works on any other browser......


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    You noted that there is missing words about "corrupted", but anyway... just because probably there connections with re-design under Chrome... maybe article will be helpful -

    There have steps about "how to re-enable" it probably.


    --> About "work or not"... Browsing protection extension should not be related with certain protection features (as eicar-test file).


    For re-check if extension work.. you able to get steps:

    -> Opened Google (or Bing, or Yahoo) HTTPS search pages and create query.

    Search results should be with rating pictures (if this feature not disabled by Browsing Protection settings under UI). If rating pictures are visible - extension is work.


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