FS Protection PC Release 173

This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:

  • Common Component Framework 2.73.189
  • Antivirus 14.173.100
  • Browsing protection 2.173.4509
  • Safe Search 1.09.109

Fixed issues

Browsing Protection:

  • Chrome 53 reports Browsing protection and SafeSearch extensions as "This extension may have been corrupted" (CTS-98117)
  • Block page button text color very close to button background color when mouse hovering over the text (CTS-98051)


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser

    still silk....

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Thanks for release.



    Also can to add that with this upgrade... I also first time get "two" restart-prompts.


    First at the time.. when upgrade comes (browser /Internet Explorer 11/ was opened; and I just re-connect my Ethernet-cable... which trigger downloading upgrades modules; also there was some kind of "suspended" stuck for downloading Windows updates) this created prompt, which called "notification" from "Common Component" (as "strongly recommendation to do restart").


    This is before any upgrade-installations or other. FS Protection just "stopped" probably (missed from tray-menu and not triggered UI) and "happened" this prompt.


    Second prompt.. was just about "updates there for two modules, but for proper result require restart".


    This is after restart (load system) and installations for updates (under list for updates) was "not installed" (and ID not filled yet).

    After restart.. all installed good.


    Sorry for my reply.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser

    made clean install, no glitch

  • @Ukko wrote:



    Thanks for release.



    Also can to add that with this upgrade... I also first time get "two" restart-prompts.


    First at the time.. when upgrade comes (browser /Internet Explorer 11/ was opened; and I just re-connect my Ethernet-cable... which trigger downloading upgrades modules; also there was some kind of "suspended" stuck for downloading Windows updates) this created prompt, which called "notification" from "Common Component" (as "strongly recommendation to do restart").


    This is before any upgrade-installations or other. FS Protection just "stopped" probably (missed from tray-menu and not triggered UI) and "happened" this prompt.


    Second prompt.. was just about "updates there for two modules, but for proper result require restart".


    This is after restart (load system) and installations for updates (under list for updates) was "not installed" (and ID not filled yet).

    After restart.. all installed good.


    Sorry for my reply.

    Hi C K,


    that wasn't quite the result we had hoped for. Please do make a bug report with fsdiag.




  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser

    congrats Uko, you're lucky ! that's a bug ! I'm jealous Smiley LOL

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Not sure.. that this is can be "bug" in fact. :)

    I think maybe this is design-situation, but about "not common" steps/setting. And maybe based on system-trouble. And.. I also randomly found (some hours how).. that with my this installation was enabled compatibility mode of DeepGuard (?! probably I forget to uncheck this after some of check-tries, but not sure).... probably this is can not be connected with situation, but... as additional to another "potential strange points around potential reasons".



    But what about "nice/good results"... so your "previous" reply was marked as "3000" under this community part (Home Security Beta Programs) :) I think this (your result-action) is indeed great-thing and certain-nice-hit, than something else.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    And sorry for else one reply. Smiley Sad


    I also found some changes with this TP release like:


    --> FIRSTLY... about so called "extra animation on the main UI";



    This re-designed.. I thought before. Just because with my main system there is missing "blaster-light" (an just active-circle). But also.. with this design... "active circle" do not missing at scan-action-time. Probably as it was before.

    Basically.. what about "missing blaster-light" - I feel that when there is just "active-circle".. more nice (for me). But just because "active circle" under UI-status... do not missing at scan... as result.. there back more "usage" probably for UI resources (and some kind of more freeze-points) when launched Scan Wizard.

    But with another system (and upgrade)... firstly.. I found that there is still visible "blaster-light" and same design with previous TP.

    I suspected... that probably there required restart for get "changes". And yes.. after restart... there is missing "blaster-light" and "active circle" do not missing at scan-time.


    After this.. I start think.. just because this too-much-small-changes (but anyway changes) not really noted under release-notes... maybe this is happened randomly (with meaning.. that change-result probably comes just after first restart... when upgrade/updates installed already) and there not "re-design" point for "extra animation on the main UI".


    ---> SECONDLY... about Quarantine UAC-access.



    With previous TPs (and after re-design for Quarantine).. when we deny access (by UAC-prompt).. Quarantine opened, but with notification that there "not enough rights"... and closed briefly after this.

    With current TP... there is "missing" any actions when we deny "UAC"-prompt. Probably same with all other places.

    And probably this is just certain re-design for situation.
    I think this is more nice (?).

     ---> And MAINLY for me... I found that with current TP (but probably more related with recent update for F-Secure NIF module) I get back HTTPS-support (under BP-extensions) for Internet Explorer 11 (with EPM mode features enabled). Did not any steps... but proper work is back (when NIF-update comes probably). Search rating pictures visible under HTTPS search results, Statistics goes to be about time with HTTPS pages too and other things based on extension (when not worked before).

     And probably with all systems.. which maybe mean.. that this trouble some kind of fixed (not sure, but at least.. it work with current installations). //Later added there:// --but still not work with/after reinstall-- Smiley Sad


    Sorry for my reply else one time. Smiley Sad



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser

    you are right Uko, the devs should make changelogs more descriptive and highlight things such as Quarantine access, like you I noticed it by chance and, as it works, did not make any comment.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert



    Regarding UAC behaviour, Microsoft guideline is that if you "Cancel" at the UAC prompt, the software must not show any error, because it's not an error. So now it works correctly.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Another upgrade, another popup with a reboot request.  I can't upload the screenshot on here at the moment, but it says that it is "Strongly recommended that I restart my computer to enable full protection."  Well, I did that, and after five minutes, and counting, I've still not seen the tray icon come on, and I've just had the Windows popup saying that both Windows Defender and F-Secure are turned off. 


    About to file a bug report, hoping that F-Secure actually starts in the meantime.  Smiley Sad

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Honestly, this is hopeless.  The whole computer has ground to a halt, and I can't even launch the Start button to open the FS Support Tool.  I'm surprised it's actually allowed me to post this.  The FS icon has just come on, but I'm going to have to reboot again.  Smiley SadSmiley Sad

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for ask about three points (and maybe someone else can to get same situations?!):


    ---> Does it normal (IF PROBABLY AND MAYBE) that if system have "too much small" RAM (I mean.. when practically all system resources.. mainly memory... goes to be in use)... FS Protection will trigger notification (or mainly.. Windows 10) that there is expiring license?

    My situation:

    Randomly (with hard and not common steps) I get close to total stuck for system... when "not in use" RAM was too much small (less than five hundreds Mb of practically eight Gb). And hard usage and this time.. with visible result as "some of system places not opened speedy or desktop background goes to be clearing and other).

    So.. with this system-hard-usage... I get notification from Windows... that FS Protection installation will end "in two days". and some kind of options to "re-activate it". I thought.. OK.. and choose it. But FS Protection do not trigger same Action Center notification or something else.
    But there was notification from Windows (as F-Secure AV disabled and possible to re-launch some of processes). And Security Center had words.. that there is "expired in one day".
    I did restart and all of this points is missing (like goes to work as before).
    So.. maybe it possible (about expiring).. but this days probably already there.. and Windows or FS Protection do not trigger something else one time.

    But I thought.. that maybe based on system hard usage (and RAM around not enough to do something; practically full usage of RAM and also drive-usage stable was around full). And maybe there is design. But... strange about "number of days", which comes there (maybe also randomly and maybe valid for this installation).
    I did not try to repeat it else one time (yet).

    ---> With current TP (?) block-pages (probably all, but most visible can be with "restricted content" or https-domains).... goes to be with re-design about size (or place?) of buttons?

     My situation:

    With my laptop still all like always.
    With some of not common systems... I get different view of blockpages.. with "view, which was there previously (maybe)".

    How I can to understand this is partly can be based on size of monitor (?) or something as resolution/size of place for view. I can to repeat this situation, but with too much specific setting (and not check it with other normal situations);

    Strange result is:  buttons not visible (and scroll can be not working). When we have restricted-content block-pages... with "small size of monitor/screen" (?!)  buttons goes be not visible under block page (and there under the all of words and also URL for F-Secure SAS). Time to time it possible to "choose page and scroll it" like if it "picture".
    With other blockpages... there also visible that buttons not full visible.

    Mainly I get it with Firefox.... but found that same with Internet Explorer (which usually I have another zoom... and with some of custom zoom-size... will be OK-situation).

    I able to provide screenshots  (or more words)... if there was changes, which can to be compare with this situation as trouble.
    But maybe this situation was previously too (and as design)... I usually do not use Firefox... and not often get blockpages for https/restricted content under this systems.
    Or maybe this is not possible to get with normal machine/systems.

    ---> Does there possible time-out for installing/downloading (after compatibility checks) steps (with re-continue with next try under one installation process)?. Like if for "downloading CCF files"... and if yes.. does it always based on user's steps?

    My situation:


    At night.. I did clean installation for one of systems... and randomly (with maybe background activity for system during installation) after "compatibility check" (at twenty five percent) and starting downloading/installing:
    installation triggered words about - there is "trouble with network and not possible to get some of required files". I choose button "re-check else one time"... and goes to think.. if there is possible reasons for this. After some time/minutes... same "not possible to get some of require files and maybe there is troubles with network". I choose "re-check else one time" and.. found that there already next step of installation (if was CCF --> start be AV; or something like that). So.. there is some kind of looks like "repeatable" during my using system with installation flow... and I decided to do next "re-check else one time" (after mistake notification) and do not use system.
    RANDOMLY (?!) installation from first goes to be good completed briefly.

    I did fsdiags... and screenshots.. but "deleted" it during try to upload them. And not sure.. if fresh fsdiag will be still valid (maybe will be). and not sure.. if there is trouble.. or just based on my strange steps.


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    We had a bad update that caused Windows login issues for some users. This also affected beta users. The fix was published on Friday evening and the name of the update for beta users is:


    F-Secure Network Interception Framework Update 2016-09-23_02


    Original message for released products is here: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Windows-login-issue-Solved/td-p/86680



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser


    I did not notice this update, no glitch

This discussion has been closed.