Block anonymous callers

Elborro Posts: 2 New Member

Couldn't find any documentation on this or a similar topic describing this already, so asking it here.


Is it possible to configure the blocklist of the call-blocker (in mobile F-Secure SAFE) to refuse calls from anonymous callers as well?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Do you mean Android devices?

    Probably there was ask/question about this feature/design under this topic:


    (maybe it was else in some another topics too).


    Basically it was about Mobile Security (and outdated one), but F-Secure SAFE for Android is based on Mobile Security (but with a lot of fresh features/improvements and other).

    Under current topic was words... that F-Secure do not designed solution for block hidden phone-numbers (because 'or' but) possible to block this by Android-design feature.


    Not sure how it can be with Android devices in fact (under topic was instruction.... how I can to understand... about some of android builds; and maybe some of builds can be with another design or with missing it), because I mainly use Windows Phone.  But with my Windows Phone 8.1 this ("block hidden callers") indeed as part of system software feature (and not based on any of another software).  I think this is can be same for Android platform too.


    Sorry for my long reply. Smiley Sad

  • Elborro
    Elborro Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi Ukko,


    thank you for your thorough response. :)


    It's indeed the F-Secure SAFE version for Android devices. Didn't know there was a predecessor called 'Mobile Security'. Sorry for adding this confusion.


    Call blocking is indeed a feature in stock android (I'm currently on 6.0.1 still, hope to receive version 7 soon), but blocking private numbers is not supported still. Hopefully it will arrive with version 7. It's a bit silly that it's still not a feature in stock, but a lot of other vendors do indeed deliver this feature in their revision of Android phones.


    Since F-Secure SAFE does have a call blocking feature, I hoped this could solve this issue.



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