FS-protection 'licence expires in 5 days'

iMatt Posts: 16 Enthusiast

Using FS-protection beta in Windows 10. However, ikeep getting pop up box telling me that my FS-protection licence is about to expire. How do I renew? Or is this still done automatically?



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    It should be done automatically.
  • iMatt
    iMatt Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Okay, thanx.

  • KaptenAlfred
    KaptenAlfred Posts: 1 New Member

    At least no one running Windows10 can claim they didn't notice their subscription was about to end Smiley LOL

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    I'm surprised the beta will still run thereafter, thought th GP release whas coming right now on account there are no bugs left.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    As I understand it, the beta is a continually developing project, so as one beta becomes a full retail product, the next beta rolls on.
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    I have not been accustomed to "long cycle" betas with other editors, with those a beta ends with the GP rls, then comes a new beta some time later to prepare the next rls... but you know this :)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @KaptenAlfred wrote:

    At least no one running Windows10 can claim they didn't notice their subscription was about to end Smiley LOL

    It is rather difficult to get rid of the notification, isn't it!  mad5.gif

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Simon wrote:

    @KaptenAlfred wrote:

    At least no one running Windows10 can claim they didn't notice their subscription was about to end Smiley LOL

    It is rather difficult to get rid of the notification, isn't it!  mad5.gif



    Sorry for reply.

    Does this work just with Windows 10 (where I not able to re-check it on current days)? Or there something modern in use?


    Because with my Windows Vista current design about "license-soon-to-be-end"-prompt possible looks like OK (not like before or not like can be with trial/stable):


     - Started just with latest week of license (six days possible).

     - Shown just per one time at launch/load system. And probably can be "limited" around six hours for re-show it.

    And maybe have limits for "brief" re-create prompt (maybe three time per minute?!; can be helpful if we have too much many crashes for fshoster and as result: re-restarting for fshoster) as temporary time-out.

     - Not triggered by "re-check updates".

     - Not sure how it will be with "Sleep mode"/"Gaming Mode"/"other related things" (but I think there should work "potential" time-limits and use-limits).


    This is mean.. if we do not shut down (or restart) system... there possible to get "prompt" about expiring license at launch. And next one - after day-off (mainly with fresh information about how many days left).

    and maybe time to time between this checkpoints (by something as trigger for re-show prompt; and maybe with limitations for miss some of "re-show action"... maybe by time-limits). 


    AND.... with my Windows Phone 8.1  - there with small time-usage network (by Wi-Fi).... I do not get any prompts about "license soon expired" (two days else). Probably there was "too much often" prompt before (?!). :) But... with current days and with current device.... notification goes be not visible.

    I think.. if with desktop solution there potentially have changes... maybe and with Windows Phone solution too (but more hardcore-step as improving notification-prompt for user). I had dreams about "check" how will be look-view prompt under Windows Phone on current days (and prompt just missing). :)


    Sorry for long reply (else one time).



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    We will be extending beta licenses soon, before they expire.




    Windows 10 has different notification about expiry, the operating system takes over notifying when there is less than 5 days remaining. Older Windowses don't have this and our product handles the notifications.


    It's good that we see this in action in beta.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Mental
    Mental Posts: 3 New Member

    With the notification popping up every other minute, and making noise, it can get obstructive to whatever you are using the PC for, (movies, games). Since we have to wait for the beta licenses to be extended we can't get rid of it that way.


    I found you can disable it from the control panel. Go to "Security and Maintanance". There, click"Change Security and Maintance settings" and uncheck "Virus protection" in the "Security messages" section.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I do agree, once a minute on three devices simutanously is offensive.

    With Win 10 Force upgrade the notification comens only once in an hour and you can kill the current instance with task manager.



    are you saying that there is other sofware that will do this as well?

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    If you're talking about Windows 10 notification, there's nothing we can do. It's controlled by Microsoft. The same notification is enforced for all AV vendors.


    If fs protection Action Center is popping up every 3 minutes, then please create a bug report.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • iMatt
    iMatt Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Well, FS-Protection has just auto-renewed.


    ''Subscription updated sucessfully,. fs protection subscription is now valid until 07/12/2016


    Thank you for staying with us''


    Now woth any luck the annoying pop-up reminder should no longer appear evey time I log on and every 10 mins afterwards!

  • Mental
    Mental Posts: 3 New Member

    I at least meant the windows 10 notificaton. It popped up for me every other minute or so, the AV itself was not complaining at all. The setting I found controls windows 10 notifications related to installed AV, and only disables the windows 10 reminder notification, no fs protection settings were changed.


    I'm still waiting on the renewal.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Subscription has updated on my Windows 7 machine, so I assume it will also do so for my Windows 10 device, which I won't get to until later today.


    One other way I found to kill the notification on W10 was to right click the tray icon, and select Quiet Mode - but, of course, that would also stop other notifications.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser





    Windows 10 has different notification about expiry, the operating system takes over notifying when there is less than 5 days remaining. Older Windowses don't have this and our product handles the notifications.


    It's good that we see this in action in beta.



    Hello, Thanks for response.


    I think that I can to understand/feel type of current notification too.


    Maybe this is can be partly same with "design" about Windows 10 expired license prompt (for protection-solution), where possible to use "find other/else solution", "re-buy" or "uninstall" (but both variants probably close-related with FS Protection design... and not so "lovely" for re-created each minute).



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    that's the consequence imo of what they call "toast notifications" I have the same behvior with some other apps: it's not what I'd call a bug on F-S side
  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Started my Win 10 PC today first time since last week. First the expiry notifcation, but by the time I got into checking my subscription it is valid for another six months.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I started again another PC with TP a couple days after the expiry.

    Got a notice that subscription had expired.

    The options were to buy new (if I recall correctely) or to uninstall.

    Not other options eg. close, pause do something else etc.

    The ony way I could get past that was to open the task manager.

    After that the message screen was still there, but i could do other things.

    By to the time I got to my subscriptions I could see the subscription had been extended.


    Don't like that kind of sticky messages which give you no real options to ignore.


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @martink


    Our dialogs always give option to close it. What you experienced was Windows 10 native dialog that is controlled by Microsoft. We can't affect how it works.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks @Ville for your quick response.

    So I was not just imagining and not knowing how to use my IT.


    Don't we all love how Windows does some things for us.


    Anyway thanks also for the extension.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    It gets even worse after the license has expired.


    You only have those three options while you can open task manager you cannot go into it.

    You choose Find an app online after which you can get out of it.

    This is for the licensed  product, but I should the TP to behave in the same manner.

  • piotrdal
    piotrdal Posts: 4 New Member



    I've got this pop up box for 5 days and I was sure that it will be extended automatically but today I have information that my licence expired. On 3 computers - windows xp, windows 7 and windows 10. At fs-protecion site where is the same information... Will it be renewed?

  • Juha_Valimaki
    Juha_Valimaki Posts: 44 F-Secure Product Manager

    We have now expanded all the beta users' licenses. Please reply if you still have subscription expired.

  • MacFastela
    MacFastela Posts: 2 New Member



    Here still say....









  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    mine  is valid till 09/03/2017

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Mine expires 09/03/2017, too.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    To those whose licenses are about to expire, I suggest you let the Beta team know via a bug report, as that may get picked up sooner than posts on here. 

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    In order to renew your beta tester license you need to have given adequate feedback on the beta.

  • CaleatFS
    CaleatFS Posts: 1 F-Secure Employee

    We have extended all the beta users' licenses. Please reply if you still have subscription expired.

This discussion has been closed.