Unreadable Web & Supportsite

Dear F-Secure,
I wanted to know if iI can choose another default browser instead of de standard IE. (scanreportsFS Internet Security) So I thought I go and look on the support pages. The chosen colors purple, green but most of all the blue letters make it effectively impossible to read the headers etc.
It made me cry out loud "who's brilliant mind made this up, and whose other said that it was okay".
Being a professional I rate the products of F-Secure high, and the readability of the Supportsite as insufficient, bad, undoable, or qualifications of that nature. Lettering too thin, colors.
Am I the only one? Can hardly imagine. Hope some you do somethimg about this quickly.
Arjen Vreeken
Hello ArjenVreelen,
Thank you for your feedback. In order to forward it to the correct person, could you confirm the URLs of the pages that are referring to?
Do you mean:
https://www.f-secure.com/ and https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support
Do you include our community?
https://community.f-secure.com -
I personally find this bright colors cruel, why is the F-Secure logo sometimes blue and sometimes a kind of red? I am not a designer, but as a enduser I think the design is made by a color blind person. The high contrast hurts my eyes. (on all sites) Maybe "Do you like our Design?" should be added to the survey...