F - SAFE subscription renewal

Hi community,
My F - Safe subscription expires on 21/11/2015.
I am want to renew my F - SAFE subscription.
"Your subscription expires on 21/11/2015.
** I clicked on the purple button to renewal now and after clicking to renew now I could not find the option to "renew now."
**Message after clicking renew now =
I updated my details as requested...
Within this e-mail I read: Your subscription for "F-Secure SAFE" started on 24/10/2014. Please follow "this link" to see additional information about your purchase.
I clicked on this link and discovered this:
To access your licenses click the button to access your account and use your licenses.
You are subscribed to a multiple payment product. The next payment is due on 21/11/2015.
To access your licenses click the button to access your account and use your licenses.
You are subscribed to a multiple payment product. The next payment is due on 21/11/2015.

Below you will find your reference number. To ensure the most prompt and efficient service, please always refer to your reference number when contacting us.
EDIT: Removed renewal pricing details