Freedome update problem. Error, something went wrong, we are sorry.

Freedome 1 year/3 devices: laptop, not working; PC, not working; cellphone, not installed
Windows 8.0 laptop with Microsoft November 2015 patches. This is my main machine.
Freedome 1.0.2085.0-->1.0.2246.0
New update available
We have an updated version of Freedome for you to install (1.0.2246.0). Do you want to download and install it now?
Download and install/Not now
Download and install, click
Downloading update
Update will start automatically when download is done.
Update, click
Accept, click
Freedome is not protecting and not encrypting your Internet connection anymore
Windows Security-window
Would you like to install this device software?
Name:F-Secure Corporation Network adapters
Publisher: F-Secure Corporation
Install/Don't Install
Don't Install, click <---------I suppose, that was a wrong selection
Something went wrong, we are sorry.
-send error report/Cancel
Cancel, click
I used Windows Restore Point taken two days before this unsuccesful Freedome update attempt, but
it did not help. After that there is no Freedome icon on Task bar and no error messages on the desktop. Windows Control Panel says I have Freedome 1.0.2085.0 installed.
How to solve this problem?