After a Windows 10 upgrade, Freedome prompts an IPv6 error message with several Ethernet connexion

I can't use Freedome after win 10 upgrade even I have done as you informed earlier post (with almost same name). Is my problem somehow related for several Ethernet connexcion(Win 8.1 it worked well) and how I can solve this problem. Freedome works well at Ipone6 but not in my Windows laptop. (3 users lisence)
I have now checked that all of those connexion has IPv6 chosen and also I have change VPN Freedome name.
Hi all,
Not even tips to link where you was asking change some settings with regedit didn't help. Actually our company IT-help try to fix my laptop via remote control and they did just same what you asked me to do, but no help thet either.
Hi J-PH,
My apologies for the delay. If your issue persists even after updating to the latest version, I would recommend to open a support request or contact our Chat support so that we can investigate on the issue further. Please do mention about your Community post in the contact with our Support team.