
Followin a free trial I bought Freedome's montly subscription on Sunday night fo my iphone and my account was consequently credited by Apple. However, as I try to activate/put on Freedome I get the message: your subscription has lapsed/is no longer valid. Hence, I can't even put it on!
And yes I went throught the instruction given to those people who had had trouble with iOs 9.01. The problem is that I can't do anything about the problem as Freedome won't even go "on"/start. It stays in off-mode. I can't do anything.
I also deleted the whole program from my phone and re-installed it hoping it would start to work. This was in vain. So, please tell me how can I put my Freedome on, if it won't start and just displays the message, your subscription has lapsed/is no longer valid.
I also talked to Apple support. In their books it shows I have purchased Freedome and that everything is ok from their part.
Yes, I bought Freedome for my phone using my phone (one and same apple ID), However, the Freedome trial (prior the purchase) on my phone was registestered in other family member's name (so not same apple ID). I deleted the trial on my phone before purchasing the monthly license, so in theory it should have no effect.
Any ideas ideas how to get it working?