iOS 9.0.1 connectivity issues on iPad Air

hammockingbird Posts: 6 New Member

Just updated to iOS 9.0.1 on my iPad Air. When changing the location in Freedome I get this message. Not every time, and it seems that the message can be simply ignored. Something to fix?




  • hammockingbird
    hammockingbird Posts: 6 New Member

    ... and restart won't help.

  • hammockingbird
    hammockingbird Posts: 6 New Member

    Read some earlier articles about similar problems and tried this:


    1. Freedome settings --> remove VPN configurations


    2. Delete Freedome App


    3. Restart iPad


    4. Install Freedome App again


    5. Start Freedome and install VPN configurations (no need to re-enter license)


    6. Once all ok, change location to London ---> no problems


    7. Change location back to Finland ---> the error message is there again (tried this twice)


    8. Click on Ok (ignore the message), and Freedome will switch OFF


    9. Click on the big ON button, and all is normal again


    10. Keep on switching between locations and you'll see the error message sooner or later



    Something is wrong, but luckily doesn't prevent from using Freedome.

  • hammockingbird
    hammockingbird Posts: 6 New Member

    Okay, the solution is clear but I think F-Secure should modify the error message text somehow. Your solution and the error message text are conflicting.

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