Freedome not working after update to Windows 10 (ipv6)

After upgrading to Windows 10, Freedome doesn't connect anymore giving the ipv6 error.
I've tried reinstalling and the suggestions in this forum including renaming the VPN connection, checking ipv6 in wlan adapter setting and registry and also restarting the services.
Screenshot of the registry is included as is one from the cmd.
Anything else I can try?
Hi Inioch,
Just to make sure you have tried our articles regarding the IPV6 issue with Freedome, please check the below given links and retry the connection. Does it work?
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I've tried all of those.
The last part about changing registery can't be done, since there is no such string in there. This can be seen on the first screenshot of OP.
Hi Inioch,
As per the screenshot, the pointer is seen to be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic
es\TCPIP6 and not under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\servic es\TCPIP6\Parameters. Could you please try to click the Parameters option and check if you can see the details? If y ou can, please try the steps provided for the registry edit. -
Hi @kamazotz,
If you are still having the issues even after trying the links mentioned above, I would recommend to contact our support team via chat for checking this further.