How to retrieve Account-ID for Freedome subscription

After purchasing the subscription for five devices I am prompted to re-enter the account-ID for the (one) iOS-device. The other Android- and Windows devices work fine.
Been through FAQ and several fora but can't find anything on retrieving the actual account-ID. There is nothing on the invoice, nor anything in settings on the working Android and Windows apps.
Can't understand why it should be this difficult to get hold of that code.
Is it asking to enter the account id or the code for the iOS-device? Was the iOS device previously activated using a multi-device subscription or using an Apple app store purchase?
Are you able to see your license code in your iOS device?
If it is asking for a code in your iOS device when installing a Freedome profile, you may check this link:
Hi Laksh,
It's asking for the account ID. I started with the 14-day trial but no longer remember on which device. After the trial period I purchased a plan for 5 devices (through the website). The account ID was provided in an email I no longer have and the invoice from the purchase contains no information about the account ID.
When I start the VPN app on the iPhone it says the trial period has expired and gives two options; to buy a new one or enter the account ID if I have a running subscription, which is the case.
I cannot find the account ID in the app or any of the other active devices (Windows PC, Android phone).
It makes sense to retrieve the account ID regardless of the iPhone as I also need to install it on my Android tablet and will be prompted to enter the ID there as well.
Thanks for the link to the other post but that does not give the answer.
Hi askelanda,
The account ID is the same subscription code for the Freedome in your iOS (subscription code = account ID for your iOS). Could you try to search your email which you registered for Freedome purchase to find the code and use that in your iOS device? Your email should have the subscription code for Freedome which you purchased for 5 devices.
Hi Laksh,
It seems I have the same problem. I bought a multi-platform F-Secure package, including Freedome. It was installed on a MacBook by a reseller and works fine. The only documentation I have received in connection with this is the username and password for the Safe. I have access to the Safe on my two iOS devices but cannot activate Freedome as I do not have an account ID. I have tried all of the devices' administration codes, my Apple ID and none of the are accepted. Can you please advise what else I can do?
Hi Graham,
If your computer specialist has purchased the Freedome codes for you, he should be having the purchase details or the code details which you can use for validating the Freedome product.
May I know if he purchased SAFE or Freedome for your computers? Do you have the Freedome key details on your Mac?
Could you please send me a private message of your purchase date/number of licenses purchased/if it was Freedome or SAFE purchased/code for Freedome in your Mac so that I can check further on this?
Hi @notanitguy,
May I confirm if you have purchased a multi license code for Freedome?
Is there any current subscription running on your iPhone? Was the device previously activated using a multi-device subscription or using an Apple app store purchase?
Hi @notanitguy,
Was the tablet installed with a App store license of Freedome? If yes, till what time is the license remaining in the tablet?
Same problem here. I installed the 14-day trial version of Freedome on my iPhone and iPad. When the trial version expired, I bought a one year subscription on the iPhone through App Store.
Now, Freedome works fine on the iPhone, but the expired trial version on the iPad asks for the Freedome account id. The only email concerning the purchase of Freedome are from Apple, and those do not contain any Freedome account id's. This is disappointing. What should I do?
Hi @xbile,
The account ID is the same as the subscription code you purchased (subscription code = account ID for your iOS). Your email should have the subscription code for Freedome which you purchased for your multi device license.
If you are unable to find your multi device license in your email, kindly send me a private message of your email address used for the Freedome purchase. I will try to locate your code details using your purchase email.
Hi, same issue here,
bought a license from app store, which I understood would work for 2 devices,
now checked my subscription email, no sign of account ID anywhere.
I tried my registered emails adress, etc...
as from the forum it looks like it is something common,
maybe update the FAQ would be a good idea.
in the meantime, what do I do?
Hi @Arn0,
May I know to which device are you trying to restore your app store license to? If it is for an android or iOS device, please try to click on restore purchase and validate your license.
Please have a look at this article if you are trying to use your app store license for a Windows or a Mac device.
I have the same issue. I purchased a f-secure 5 device subscription about 7months ago so the email got lost. I am trying to activate the f-secure vpn on my iPod (newest iOS) and I need the Id for my account. Is there an email or something I can be sent to get the id again so I can activate my iPod?
Hi @Ghostslayer,
May I know from where did you purchase the Freedome license from? If it was purchased directly from F-Secure, could you please send me a private message of your purchased email address so that I can check on your license?
Hi @Chattersmk,
May I know how did you purchase Freedome? Was it purchased from the app store? What is the OS of your new phone?
Hi @SirCosmin,
If you are having the same question about entering the Account ID in Freedome, the account ID is the subscription code for Freedome in your iOS (subscription code = account ID for your iOS) as already mentioned in this post.
If you are still having issues in entering the subscription code, please let us know if you purchased a multi license code for Freedome and from where.