Geolocation still not working for video service

I'm using freedome on Windows 10 and Android 5.
When connecting with freedome, I let the system choose for the best location, so my country (belgium).
When starting to watch television on my mobile through the provider application (I have an account), the application tells me that I'm not located in Belgium. Very strange because i'm located in Belgium and i connect to the Belgian Freedome server.
When disabling freedome, I can use my video app without any problem.
What's going wrong?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Laksh,
Thanks for your intervention.
Yes, I did and it didn't solve the problem.
But, after some investigations I found on the internet that the dedicated App for watching television is controling if you're connected on the provider's network. Of course, because the VPN, the "new" IP address is not belonging to the network provider 's IP range.
In my case, the network provider is PROXIMUS. PROXIMUS is also providing television services but for accessing the services you need to be a customer AND conncted to the PROXIMUS network (3G/4G, Cable/VDSL, Wi-fi Hotspots). When connecting to the VPN, you're still seen as being in BELGIUM but no more on the PROXIMUS network.
So I think that there is no solution for me at this time.
I hope that this will help you in case of similar quetion from a Belgian customer.
Do you know when subscribing to netflix belgium if I will get the same problem?
Hi Pitchoun,
Thanks for your update, good to know about the information you provided. It will certainly help us cater to other customers from Belgium regarding the same issue.
As far as we know, Netflix has not limited the access to any provider's network. So, for using Belgian Netflix through our Belgian Location must be possible. But, you can always try it out!Hope this helps!