ULAV fresh news
My internet connection is actually pretty fast. Yes, that worked, but isn't it a hole in security? What if I install infected add-on and it's not scanned?
edit: Hmm, before I did this there was only one "Roaming" folder. Now there are TWO. See screenshot. What happened?
It doesn't matter which one I click on, content is the same. If that's not virtualization, I don't know what it is.
Excluding the Mozilla profile directory could open up a security hole. By excluding the directory, we were trying to see if it fixed the problem you were having, and allow us to pinpoint where we might need to make a fix in the product. If you are not actively installing new addons, setting this exclusion will allow you to use Firefox normally in the meantime.
Did excluding the directory allow Firefox to work correctly and not reset settings between launches?
Often mention programs for playing music or movies such AIMP on winamp, ALLPlayer on Bestplayer, but after some time I return to them. Totall uninstall program is scanned, not only on the first installation but every time I start it up, the same thing happens with the browser Vivaldi. Playing games on steam, I need to add this game to exceptions to disable it from the continuous scanning. sorry for my english but it is not my language, I hope you understand that something
If you could perform some of these installs/uninstalls/reinstalls and app launches and then send us an fsdiag (download, extract and run the tool at ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/tools/fsdiag/fsdiag
.zip and send us the resulting file) to ultralight-feedback@f-secure.com, we can take a look at what's going on. Thanks!
We just identified that the slowness you're seeing in Firefox might be due to just two files in the Firefox profile: PREFS-1.JS and SESSIONSTORE.JS. You could try unexcluding the whole Firefox profiles directory, find those two files in a subdirectory below profiles and manually exclude just those files. If this works, it is a much more secure way of working around your problem.
Let me know if that works!
Question is in which "Roaming" folder? I have 2 now. They look exactly the same but there's a difference in size: 898 and 891 MB. Second one appeared today, after adding Mozilla profile to safe list.
edit: Ookay! After removing Mozila profile and cleaning with CCleaner now I have ONE Roaming folder again. Lol. Will try what you suggested and report back.
Most likely the two roaming directories belong to different users. The one to exclude is the one under a directory under your username. If this isn't the case, I would try excluding one, trying the test and then unexcluding that and excluding the other to see which roaming profile applies.
Just my local experience around.SpoilerAbout Firefox and response by F-Secure.
Probably it's mean.. next words:
Was about something same.. which there in fact can be a reason.
So.. just as explanation -> for me... it was not work "excluded". And there have my "dreams" around - why.
But your reply... have "prefs-1.js" - which related also with my dreams, but .... prefs-1.js?! not visible for me (or it was not visible). Anyway excluded not work with my experience (under previous reply.. I created words about steps, which did yesterday). And maybe main trouble... that it's not possible to "exclude" prefs-1.js. Create a file "prefs-1.js" and exclude it.. also not work. Maybe because there will be create new one "prefs-2.js" and etc.
Maybe can be work step... when you manually add "exclusion" under registry (if it's work like that). So.. maybe it can be work. But I not try it yesterday. All other "steps", which I tried.. was under previous reply. And it's just suggestion, because I totally not friendly with technologies, firefox and other computer-things. Just as suggestion about potential things, which looks like.
And also.. probably.. currents file related not with "slowness" (because I not feel it), but with "virutalized"-result. Slowness can be with add-ons (or can not be.... if there related with high usage of Firefox. And there start be slowness, because profile... not just a "fresh one").
Later added:
SpoilerIf it can be helpful in somewhat reason. Addition (about my experience):
I can to do just next "exclusion"-actions for prevent "virtualized"-result:
-> Goes to profile folder and mark as safe "perf.js".
-> Goes to hard-editing for registry and re-change there name from "perf.js" to "perf-1.js";
-> In somewhat reason I again goes to "add" for exclusion (as mark as safe) "perf.js" - but it will be not placed under registry (?).
So with current hard-editing action.. Firefox will be work normally and not "virutalized". And "exclusion" work and enough just one "perf-1.js" (but which not available to get... from file-system.. with my experience).
But also any other "removing" from safe list (by some of not common steps) will be as break-status for "whitelist"-feature. -
Little addition to collection about installation/reinstallation/uninstallation and F-Secure ULAV.
Today I found that there was new driver for NVIDIA (GeForce). 350.12;
So, I goes to upgrade/update it (from previous one version);
During installation a driver... it was hooked/prevented/paused for uploading/or-just-cloud-check (but probably uploading) some of files about.
So.. when I understand that there stuck (it will be uploading.. and I not sure.. how long) after first one "transfer" (when comes next one) - goes to do other things (not about system or around machine). When I back to system/machine... there was a prompt-result as installation comes with not success. And there was mistake.
I re-launch installation. Situation same (about uploading).. but I decided to stay with system. After some of "transfers".. there was strange prompt (?!) not by NVIDIA.. about restart required for continue installation (?! but not from Nvidia installation window.. and just as Windows system prompt-window). So.. I choose "later"... and there was next "transferring" to cloud. When it's end.. I get "mistake"-prompt-result about installation again.Will try to repeat it later.
Sorry for reply. Just as "addition" for collection.
I usually use "turn off" (as unload) F-Secure ULAV during Windows Updates.
Because with my experience (not sure.. that it's work totally... but looks like work with Windows Updates stuck):
-> Any other load for network (if during installation-stuck and uploading for cloud) I goes to system for temporary (one time) browsing.
-> OR (!) just goes to use same network with ANOTHER device (?!).
Will be totally stuck. Latest my experience was about more than ten hours... when I decided.... that there indeed will be stuck (and it's not just uploading already, but Task Manager still show stable uploading and network-usage also there. Because common time for installing Windows Updates with F-Secure ULAV - not a minutes - how it will be when F-Secure ULAV not work (fifteen, but of course.. less than that time) - about a little be more, than hour or two hours). If it goes to be longer... I think there stuck (after usage network by other device/or under current system).
I still not sure ... that it's work like that, but looks like that. And it's second trouble-point about "Windows Updates" and F-Secure ULAV. Not just a take more time, than required usually. But.. also potentially can be constantly stuck (or... it was not enough a little be more, than ten hours for installing/uploading it).
Temporary unload F-Secure ULAV during stuck.. and enough two-three minutes for total complete installation
ABOUT Nvidia... with new try situation same (uploading... and when all looks like uploaded.. or else one was uploaded.. Nvidia installation-window give a window-prompt.. that there was troubles during installation). Probably there I have to disabled F-Secure ULAV again. For normally installing it.
Not sure.. that recent update for UI-core goes normally with my experience.
I'm also not sure.. that it's can be report about this. Because it's looks like that can be not just my local experience. Or if it's just local experience.. it's too much strange situation.
So.. I mean next:
-> During use system/browser.. I found that around task-bar/tray-place... was something splashing.
-> I thought.... OK.. maybe it's was something wrong with F-Secure ULAV.
-> Open it.. and get "white squares" for each "place-holder" (where should be picture). Such as.. not pictures (not arrows, not scanning circle, not F-Secure logo and etc) - just white-squares (with animation, of course).
Scanning also goes with same view.
-> OK.. Open updates. there was new one for UI-core (some seconds/minute ago).
I wait some minutes... situation not changes. Goes to restart system.
-> Situation was fixed.. and pictures are visible. all OK.
Also there comes notification about Banking Protection feature.
There comes two next strange points:
--> With new update.... scanning "which launched" under UI goes be visible over-the-UI.
Or "during scan" will open UI - > will be visible scanning (after next file). It maybe nice (?!) - such as previously it was with another design and maybe it's not common situation. But with new design.. I feel that it's looks like too much "not beauty" or "overload" a little be.
Also simply... UI start be a little be more "hard". From tutorial-page to normal view.. visible some of "hard to create picture"-step. Previously.. it was not so visible with my system.
--> Banking protection does not work. And I'm not sure.. that it's maybe should be work. Because it's looks like.... there not really comes something new under installation folder ?!
Or if it's should not be like that... I simply does not understand how to trigger Banking protection.
Maybe there required some of else "restarts".
Sorry for reply.
As this thread starts to be fairly long, and following the latest news and feature published, I'll close it.
Discussion and feedback is more than welcome on the newly created thread:ULAV fresh news(Banki
ng Protection ).