Upgrade suggested repeatedly

Win7 Ultimate. A few days ago I got a message about upgrading f-secure. I did the upgrade, restarted my computer. Since then, the same message appears every day. I can upgrade every time without getting any type of error message. After restarting the machine, the upgrade message will pop up again.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
It is likely the upgrade did not complete correctly and hence it is triggered again. I would suggest to re-install the program. In this particular case removing it by using the Uninstallation Tool in order to make sure every file is removed correctly:
Once removed, you could download the latest version and have it directly installed back.
Thank you Fede!
The link to the Uninstall Tool seems dead...:
Hello mdobesh,
The link seems to be working just fine on our side. Note that it should download directly the tool.
What error do you see? You can alternatively go to the parent folder:
OK, I ran the uninstall tool > no problems reported. Restarted my computer. Execute the F-SecureNetworkInstaller with admin privileges. Initialize..., Scan... (no problems found), Entered key..., Move my license to this computer..., install... (again no problems reported).
Browser security -> installed successfully.
Antivirus -> failure.
I repeaded all this 3 times.
Now, i am running the FSDIAG tool and will open a support request.
It's painful time consuming...